Socialism is the past, Socialism is the future.
It is an aberration that Socialism is not the present.
We are here to correct this tragedy.
We fight for a Free British Isles: a Socialist British Isles.
Our vision is the British Isles of Social Justice: the British Isles of National Freedom.
It is the British Isles freed from Capitalism, Liberalism & Trotskyism.
16 July 2018
On Vanatru, Wicca and Tradition - David Parry
David Parry's speech concerning Vanatru heathenism at the Inaugral meeting of the Frithgard Fellowship in London at the time of the solar eclipse on the Spring Equinox 2015.
A segment from a talk on Neo-Paganism given by David Parry at the Devereux, London.
I had almost forgotten these materials ...