2 June 2018

Fight the Liberal Degeneracy, by Building Socialist Order

When Eric Blair first published his dystopian novel, 1984, his description of the UK as Airstrip One may have shocked his readers.  In the twenty first century, Orwell's assertion that the UK is the ultimate unsinkable aircraft carrier, is so true as to be almost accepted as self-evident.  Acting mostly in concert with the USA, the UK has a proven track record of aggression which rivals every despotic nation throughout history.  Since the end of the Second World War, the UK military has been an extension of the US military in all but name.  There is difference of opinion as to whether the UK is the puppet of the USA, or vice versa.  In truth, the UK and USA and controlled by the same puppet masters, making the question of who has the upper hand an irrelevance: the Working Class on both sides of the Atlantic are equally oppressed, by the same controlling powers.

The UK is certainly a militaristic state, but its persecution of humanity is not solely for export.  The people of the UK have been brutalised by the Ruling Class for generations, and this brutalisation is getting palpably worse.

The UK boasts of having Police who do not carry firearms.  Only a few years ago it would have been unusual to see armed police, but now it is almost routine.  Police carry machine guns at airports and many railway stations every day; the availability of firearms is such that armed Police can instantly be called upon, should the Establishment wish it.  Does this matter?  Considering that the Police have murdered over 300 people in recent years, the availability of ever more deadly weaponry should cause pause for thought.

The nearly 400 victims of Police assassins are but the tip of the iceberg.  Ordinary civilians are attacked by the Police on a daily basis.  The thugs in uniform have tasers, cs gas, pepper spray, side-handled batons and other tools to wield on the public at will.  The role of the Police is no longer to protect the people from criminals, but to enforce the will of the biggest criminals in the land; the Banks, City of London, and the Political Establishment.  Rather than acting in our interests, the Police are foot soldiers of the self-appointed rulers who despise the people and would happily wipe us out if they couldn't profit by financially raping every last man, woman and child in the country.  (Not only financially in some instances).

Are we being unfair to the Police?  Reflect on your own experiences with the Police.  They have no interest in arresting criminals, and only do so as a side role.  Their true function is to keep the people in line and subservient to the Establishment.  The best officers have been steadily retiring and replaced by a generation of politically correct morons. Decent policemen and policewomen who would rather arrest a criminal, than go on a witch-hunt for people breaking the new blasphemy laws (against the sjw religion of 'feelings'), are being forced out of the Police and replaced by obedient scum who are happy to abuse ordinary people and probably get a perverted kick out of doing so.

The Police in the UK used to be known as Bobbies, after their founder Robert Peel.  The popular image was of the friendly but tough Bobby on the Beat, armed only with a truncheon and a whistle, who would give unruly children a clip around the ear and deter them from criminality by providing a role model of respectability.  The traditional Bobby has gone the way of much of traditional Britain and been replaced by an unrecognisable and totally alien creation.  The modern Police are enforcers of anti-Working Class policies and can rightly be seen as collaborators with the capitalist liberal creed which has been imposed on the British nation by a Ruling Class which despises anyone who does not blindly submit to the tyranny of globalism. 

The corruption of the police from 'bobbies' out to protect us from harm, to politically-motivated bastards who are only concerned with silencing dissidents, is mirrored in the education system, where teaching the next generation the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic (the 3 R's(!)), has fallen into second place, with the new emphasis being on teaching children to hate anyone who doesn't accept lunatic liberal dogma as fact.  As a result, just as real crime is spiralling out of control (with London hosting 62 murders so far this year), so education standards are plummeting - but in both cases, the number of people being persecuted for having opinions which the State doesn't sanction, has sky-rocketed.  In the UK, accepting scientific biological fact, rather than liberal feelings identity politics, is a punishable offence.

It is important to not get bogged down in dehumanising statistics. The names of those murdered between the 1st January and 30th May (alongside information of the horrors which befell them) can be found by going to: https://inews.co.uk/news/uk/london-murders-a-list-of-the-victims-killed-in-the-capital-so-far-this-year/.  The Police State would rather we just ignored the human beings who have been slaughtered while the police waste their time going after dissidents.  It is important that we focus on the loss of humanity caused by the politicisation of the police.

How much more are we going to take?  The school system is designed to erase the individuality of every child and create cultureless consumer-producers.  It is still legal to Home school in the UK, and it is morally reprehensible to not do so.  The Police cannot be trusted and will not protect us, so we have to organise our own communities without their involvement.  The whole Establishment is corrupt and rotten to the core.  We have to disconnect completely from the tentacles of the State, and to help everyone we care for to do likewise. 

Changing the system by their faux-democratic means will not work.  Elections are good only for publicity.  Real change comes by example.  We have to build our own communities and keep the Establishment out.  Educating our own families and friends must be our key objective.  As Orwell said,

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.'

We live in such times.  Revolution does not mean engaging in futile acts of violence at a time when we are too weak to do anything but token actions which serve only to justify further repression; revolution means refusing to accept any part of the disease which has become the anti-Society we live in.  We have to take the struggle to the barricades of the mind.  And we have to do it now.

Build the SMPBI.  Create a parallel society now, which will sweep away the rotting corpse of liberalism.  We are outgunned, but we are not outnumbered.  The Revolution begins with us, and ends with the obliteration of the entire liberal sjw mindset.

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