31 May 2018

Understanding the M.O. of the Ruling Class is vital in defeating them

The architects of the globalised tyranny which is being built around the sleep-walking masses are fond of their slogans. They bandy around phrases such as 'Equality and Diversity', 'Multi-Culturalism', 'Democracy', and 'Hate Crimes' in the knowledge that the masses will accept these nonsense slogans without thought. These, and the other phrases pushed by the high priests of political correctness, are more than just nonsense terms, they are in fact psychological weapons. The media and other agents of the Ruling Class do not use an armoury of slogans simply because the words sound good to those who use them, but rather because in depth research has found that words have more than a conscious impact. Politically Correct slogans are used as a part of the mind control technique of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. We need to fully appreciate this fact in order to defend our minds from the concerted assault which our enemies are conducting via the manipulation of words and the repetition of concepts.

Accelerating under Theresa May and Leo Varadkar, the parasites who sit in Government have enacted laws to combat 'Hate Crimes'. As well as the obvious impact upon freedom of speech that is obtained by incarcerating anyone who objects to the social engineering being carried out against the will of the people, there is a deeper and more dangerous result of such legislation. Far worse than the legislation itself is is the censorship which people have come to self administer. The statement 'you can't say that' is bleated at anyone who broaches serious matters in a manner which is not politically correct. Conversations for many of the self-policing populace have become nothing but trivia, such as what one has watched on the television. For those who have removed the accursed mind control box from their homes, the inability of many to speak without reference to the media, is truly exasperating. The television is by far the most powerful medium for mind control, as the programming it issues is absorbed into the sub-conscious, regardless of how selective the viewer may be.

There are people who hold the media at arms length, but are held in submission to the globalising agenda by their inaction. Rather than formalise a plan to deal to expose our enemies, and deal with the results of their machinations, people who are enraged by the destruction of their culture, by their economic enslavement, and by the obliteration of a future for their children; people who should be in open revolt in defence of all they hold dear, are making the intolerable situation temporarily go away with drugs and alcohol. Why? Because they have subconsciously accepted the lie that they are powerless and that they may as well indulge themselves in unbridled hedonism rather than fight an enemy they cannot hope to beat.

Partly as a result of the controlled media constantly repeating the lie that nations which have a 'democratic' system of political administration are 'free', the people who live in those countries have come to believe that their Governments would never do anything to undermine their freedom. What is not realised is what exactly is meant by 'free'.

People in the west have for a long time believe they can speak and act as they see fit, so long as no law is broken. This is a dangerous assumption.  The existence of laws forbidding speech on a whole raft of issues gives the lie to the idea that the people have freedom of expression. In reality, the laws curbing free speech are such that one has to be constantly on one's guard that one doesn't inadvertently make a remark (even a joke) which could lead to prosecution.  The recent prosecution of 'Count Dankula' for his video of a dog responding to a joke - which admittedly was in poor taste, but was nevertheless just a joke - is a case in point.  

Due to the media programming, the brainwashed masses who believe they are 'free' react with hostility to those who know that the freedom which the Establishment allows is illusory. People who are arrested for thought crimes are dæmonised by the media, and as a result are regarded as the enemies of the people by the very people whose freedoms the Establishment have removed. This is problematic. The conditioning of the masses is such that a herd mentality exists, with people who stand out and 'rock the boat' being viewed with suspicion and hatred. Fear of not being popular, is enough for many people who can see that there is a concerted effort to destroy individuality and sovereign society, to force them to acquiesce.

We are now in a position where people are being arrested for opinions.  At the moment, it is mainly people on the 'right' who are being locked away, but that doesn't mean that we are safe.  Anti-Zionists from the Labour Party are losing their council seats, being kicked out of the party, and being hounded in the media.  It is lazy to think that the liberal witch-hunt is going to leave us alone. People from across the spectrum are finding their lives turned upside down as the liberal bigots flex their muscles (or more accurately, as their pet police are set loose on dissenters who dare to speak forbidden truths.)

In order to halt the march of globalism, we need to awaken the people, and do so in a manner which is tailored to the situation which confronts us. We have to break down the programming and to discuss issues of importance which the people have been conditioned to close their minds to - but we must do this without triggering the fear and hatred strategy of the parasitical pre-programming. This requires a disciplined and analytical approach to the problem; an approach which will ultimately result in the mental emancipation of others who will become an unstoppable force which will be victorious in our struggle. We must be the vanguard which will be unstoppable once the 'Hundreth Monkey' is awoken.

The first step to freedom comes with an understanding of the nature of our enslavement. We are not held in bondage by physical chains, but by mental ones. We need to study the various forms of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, with a focus upon Neuro-Linguistic Programming. We need to make ourselves experts in the understanding of subliminal imprinting and other techniques of mind control.

Recognising the symbolism used by the agents of the Ruling Class is a part of the process to self-liberation, but only a part. Of a deeper importance is the understanding of the techniques currently in use to keep the people in a state of unquestioning and unknowing servitude.

We are fighting an enemy which is multi-faceted, but guided by a common purpose. Our enemy uses techniques which are complex, but not incomprehensible. Studying the programming techniques is essential if we are to deprogramme ourselves. Appreciating that the enemy is not an immovable force but rather is a paper tiger gives us strength. When we become fully cognisant of the psychological weaponry which is being used against us relentlessly, we will achieve immunity to this level of attack. An analogy could be for a European to fully learn Hebrew or Chinese - the previously meaningless characters once learnt in their entirety within the context of the particular language, will never again pass un-noticed and bereft of understanding. Right now, for the majority of us, the 'characters' themselves are only vaguely evident, but with a concerted effort they will become so plain that their usage will not only fail as a method to enslave us, but will actually become a valuable tool for us to turn against our oppressors.

The Global power structure is taking shape because we are fighting the wrong battles. We are fighting the battles they have prepared for us. We need to study their techniques, and to arm ourselves with the weaponry of their making - we need to become masters of psychological warfare. Once our eyes are fully open, we will be able to open the eyes of others. Disengaging from the mind control of the Establishment is a prerequisite for victory, but it is not enough without action to awaken others. The House of Cards will fall once we stop propping it up - but that will require stopping others propping it up too.

We have to educate ourselves in the techniques of the enemy. Neutralise their weapons by making ourselves fully conscious of them. Then use this knowledge to awaken others, and to bring their tyranny crashing down. It is only fear which is stopping us - fear which the Establishment have programmed into us. Deprogramme and reprogramme yourself. Eliminate the fear and sense your inner strength.

Unity in the struggle is vital.  Right now there is a temptation to cherry-pick the victims of persecution that we care about, and to ignore the prosecution of people who have ideological positions we do not share, or even ones we oppose. This is a big mistake.  We are in the days where it does us well to re-visit the sentiment of Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the comedians, but I wasn't bothered about what was really a pretty crap joke, so I said nothing, then they came for the (add list here) but I wasn't affected so did nothing, then they came for the Revolutionary Patriotic Socialists, anti-Zionists and Defenders of Sovereignty, and by that time the liberal tyranny was complete and there was no one to speak up for me.

We have to stand together, regardless of that which divides us.  The only division which matters is Globalist versus Freedom.  By learning their tricks, and refusing to play their divisive games, we will take the battle to the enemy, and destroy them.  We have to.

30 May 2018

The Metaphysics of Dark Matter - Wilberg on Wednesday



As explained in my book entitled The Science Delusion, the so-called 'scientific revolution’, far from transcending speculation and placing knowledge on a genuinely 'empirical' basis did quite the opposite - treating its own abstract mental and mathematical concepts as more 'real' than the tangibly experienced empirical phenomena they were supposed to explain. Thus, as Husserl argued in his ground-breaking work on The Crisis in the European Sciences the idea that natural science is ‘materialist’ or ‘empirical’ is a myth. Instead what is taken as 'natural' or 'physical' science substitutes "... a world of idealities for the only real world, the one that is actually given through perception, that is ever experienced and experienceable – our everyday lifeworld”. Husserl here follows in the footsteps of Bishop Berkeley, who first saw through the myth that science offers us a more 'harder', more ‘solid’ account than religion of our actual sensory experience of phenomena. Which is why Heidegger insisted that: “Phenomenology is more of a science than natural science is.” For 'phenomenology' is that approach to science which explores our direct subjective experience of phenomena whilst at the same 'bracketing' all our mental concepts of it - and recognising them as just that - as mental concepts. This applies above all to the very concept of 'matter' itself - whether visible matter or 'dark matter'. For whilst we subjectively experience the sensory qualities of so-called ‘material’ phenomena – qualities such as heaviness or lightness, hardness and softness, shape and texture, colour and sound - we never experience or perceive ‘matter’ as such –as an object or substance. Instead as Samuel Avery argues:

“We experience visual and tactile perceptions that suggest a material substance existing independently, but its acceptance as ultimately real is an act of faith.”

Samuel Avery The Dimensional Structure of Consciousness

The still-enduring myth that physical science is in any way ‘materialistic’ is rooted in the myth of some sort of physical or material 'substance'. In contrast, from an everyday 'phenomenological' or experiential perspective - a truly 'empirical' perspective:

“The concept of material substance … is derived from potential perceptions in each sensory realm.” (Avery).

In particular, we come to think of object as 'material' only because we do not just perceive them visually but also as something we can potentially touch, hold and pick up and generally come to sense in a tactile way.

What we think of as ‘matter’ is real therefore only in the root sense of the word - being the ‘mother’ or 'matrix' [mater] of all things - a 'womb' of potential dimensions of sensory experiencing - of which the tactile dimension is crucial for our identification of things as 'material' in the conventional sense.

The understanding of matter as something inherently connected not with the purely visible or measurable but with an invisible realm or womb of potentiality was long accepted by philosophers and theologians alike. Thus Aristotle defined matter (Greek hyle) as potentiality and its form (morphe) as actuality. Similarly, Thomas Aquinas understand ‘primary matter’ (Prima Materia) as nothing actual or ‘substantial’ but as pure potentiality - a type of formless and ‘passive potentiality’ inseparable from God as ‘active potentiality’.

This ancient understanding of the essence of 'matter' as such - as something belonging to the realm of the potential rather than the actual - and thus innately invisible and immeasurable - is now echoed in the defining characteristics of what modern physics calls 'dark matter' - a concept which treats it as a mere mysterious and invisible sub-species of measurable or visible matter.

What we must first of all recognise in approaching 'the metaphysics of dark matter' is essentially but a new metaphysical or 'matterphysical' construct needed to account for anomalies in current physics - invisible sources of gravity. The paradox is that this new 'matterphysical' construct of 'dark' matter simply re-interprets what was previously understood as the metaphysical essence of matter as such.

Whence the need for such a new 'matterphysical' construct? The reason lies in a need to maintain the overall framework of constructs that currently constitutes physics as such in the face of data which threaten this framework and its chief function - that of maintaining a global technological culture in which there are no longer fundamental philosophical questions requiring deeper answers - but only 'problems' in need techical 'solutions' through new technological or military apparatus.


It was Martin Heidegger who first coined the term das Gestell (translated ‘the Frame’, ‘the Enframing’ or ‘the Con-struct’) to name and articulate the hidden essence of technology and of our technological culture. The ordinary German meaning of Gestell is some sort of structure, set up or apparatus. By ‘technology’ however, Heidegger did not mean actual technological constructions, apparatus, experimental set ups, instruments or gadgets of the sort that have become so much a part of our culture. Nor did he see technology merely as the ‘application’ of science to the creation of different technologies and their products. Instead he saw technology as the hidden essence of science itself.

The German word Gestell derives from the verb stellen – to set, set up or set upon. One of the forms of this verb is vorstellen - meaning to ‘represent’, ‘set before’ or ‘set in front’. Das Gestell can thus also be translated as a ‘set up’ or ‘frame up’ that seeks to represent something. What is ‘framed’ by 'The Frame' is like a painting, set before us as a structured representation of something – in the same way the theoretical constructs of modern science are set before us representations (Vorstellungen) of fundamental reality. What such scientific constructs conceal however, is the way in which they themselves are what first frame, define or construct the very idea of whatever it is that science then claims to represent or set before us as some experimentally proven or empirical ‘fact’. As Heidegger writes:

“Modern science’s way of representing [reality] pursues and entraps nature as a calculable coherence of forces. Modern physics is not experimental physics because it applies [technical] apparatus to the questioning of nature. Rather the reverse is true. Because physics … already as pure theory, sets nature up to exhibit itself as a coherence of forces calculable in advance, it therefore orders its experiments precisely for the purpose of asking [only] whether and how nature reports itself when set up in this way.”

Martin Heidegger The Question Concerning Technology

Thus it is simply not the case that there is first of all something that exists ‘out there’ – an ‘electron’ for example – something which science then happens to have a ready-to-hand term for and ready ways of finding evidence of. Instead the very term ‘electron’ is a representational construct forming part of the overall framework of physics - just as the understanding that physics offers us as to what ‘an electron’ is is nothing pre-determined by nature, but is instead defined and 'enframed' by that framework.


Were billions to be spent constructing the most sophisticated and expensive technological apparatus, instruments and installations to detect ghosts, most people would consider this an outrageous waste of money. Yet right now there are technical installations all over the world, designed to detect what are in effect, no more than ghostly mental constructs invented by scientists to prevent the entire framework of physics from falling apart at the seams.

A current and important example of such constructs is ‘dark matter’ – an as-yet wholly unexplained source of gravity believed to account for 90 to 99% of the physical universe - yet one needed to ‘explain’ what it is that stops galaxies from literally flying apart. Together with the concept of ‘dark matter’ goes the concept of a ‘dark energy’, supposed to make up 74% of the mass-energy of the universe and uniformly present throughout space. Attempts to identify the nature of dark matter however, postulate in advance its particulate nature. Hence the use of such a massive set up of ‘apparatus’ (another meaning of Gestell) as the CERN Large Hadron Collider to ‘discover’ the type of particles that make it up

What however, would such a discovery bring – except the confirmation of a postulate already set up – one which prevents nature itself from revealing itself in any other ways besides those already set up in advance by the limited framework of questions on the basis of which it is experimentally interrogated and challenged to ‘answer’ for itself?

The ‘discovery’ of a ‘particle’ that could explain the nature of 'dark matter' would not ‘prove’ anything except the particular way its nature it was pre-conceived in setting up a mode of experimentation within one or more of the models that form part of the current framework of physics. This does nothing to prove that this framework is an accurate 'representation' of reality. For as Heidegger recognised, physics as physics - as a framework of constructs or way of 'enframing' our picture of reality - is not itself the object of any possible physical experiment.

No apparatus or modes of experimental measurement by which a discovery' of the nature of 'dark matter' could come about could 'prove' anything except the capability of specific experimental apparatus and modes of measurement to limit any possible 'results' in terms of constructs that already ‘fit the frame’ of current ‘physics’ and its theoretical models - which delimit and pre-conceive in advance what it is that can be 'discovered'.

Such a ‘revolutionary’ discovery then, particularly in the form of a 'particle' such as the Higgs boson, far from being a profound scientific ‘breakthrough’, would merely permit the addition of one more ‘particle’ to the current framework of models and constructs that constitute physics - albeit a particle 'proof' of which is now desperately needed to prevent this very framework from ‘flying apart’ in precisely the way that ‘dark matter’ itself is supposed to prevent galaxies from doing!

So it comes as no surprise to read that:

“Former Harvard research scholar, professor Shahriar Afshar said that failure to find the particle would bring current scientific theory tumbling down like a house of cards with nothing to replace it.”

Richard Alleyne

According to Afshar himself:

“There will be an all-out war among physicists. It will be a nightmarish situation that will put physics back into the wilderness.”

"We need to start having discussions about what are the alternatives. Because if the LHC [Large Hadron Collider] fails, then the Standard Model fails. If the Standard Model fails we have nothing left.”

Amidst all the talk about exciting new 'discoveries' on the horizon relating to 'dark matter', there is not even mention of Einstein’s viewpoint that ‘particles’ as such are not ‘hard facts’ - and that the very concept of the particle has ceased to serve any purpose:

“Since the theory of general relativity implies the representation of physical reality by a continuous field, the concept of particles or material points cannot play a fundamental part…” and that “… it seems to me certain that we must give up the idea of complete localization of the particle in a theoretical model.”

As Heidegger recognised, what today goes by the name of ‘science’, though it derived from philosophy, has now effectively replaced even the most elementary forms of philosophical questioning and thinking, the latter now being seen as ‘scientifically’ outdated.

The problem is that in place of the type of analytic, questioning and critical thinking that once characterised ‘philosophy’ we now have a type of ‘research’ whose only possible ‘results’ are of a sort already pre-defined in advance by the framework of particular ‘theories’ or ‘models’. The theories of science in other words, are judged only according to types of scientific ‘evidence’ of a sort already framed in advance by those theories and their constructs. Such ‘evidence’ has no more ‘validity’ than a box-ticking questionnaire that restricts the one interrogated to choosing from a pre-determined set of answers in response to a pre-determined set of questions – and that according to the pre-determined terms in which the questions themselves are framed. It is in this way that ‘scientific’ theories and models, together with their supposed ‘research evidence’ effectively replace, block and ultimately substitute for reflective thinking and questioning – closing off any space for a thinking ‘outside the frame’. This is a thinking bound neither to the current mental constructs of science nor to questions framed solely in terms of those constructs, but a thinking that is instead capable of questioning those very constructs and the larger framework of accepted constructs in which they are designed to fit and thereby reinforce.

As Heidegger pointed out in his essay on 'Science and Reflection', it has long since been totally forgotten that the Greek word eidos – from which the word ‘idea’ derives - originally meant an outwardly perceived face or ‘aspect’of some thing -and no mere mental ‘idea’ of it. Similarly, the Greek word theoria meant beholding and attending closely to the faces and aspects that things present to us in immediate awareness – the very opposite, in other words, any form of re-presentation of things in the form of theoretical ideas or concepts. And Einstein himself – though he became a veritable icon of ‘the scientist’ - was only too aware that theoretical physics was not so much shaped by evidence beheld in immediate awareness as by theoretical concepts held in the minds of "professional scientists" with little or no awareness of the historical and philosophical background of their concepts and theories - and little or no "philosophical insight" into them.

“So many people today - and even professional scientists - seem to me like somebody who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest. A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is - in my opinion - the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth.”

Albert Einstein to Robert A. Thornton, 7 December 1944

“Concepts that have proven useful in ordering things easily achieve such an authority over us that we forget their earthly origins and accept them as unalterable givens. Thus they come to be stamped as 'necessities of thought,' 'a priori givens,' etc. The path of scientific advance is often made impassable for a long time through such errors. For that reason, it is by no means an idle game if we become practiced in analyzing the long common place concepts and exhibiting those circumstances upon which their justification and usefulness depend, how they have grown up, individually, out of the givens of experience. By this means, their all-too-great authority will be broken.”

Albert Einstein 'Ernst Mach.' Physikalische Zeitschrift 17 (1916): 101, 102 - A memorial notice for the philosopher Ernst Mach

Today the concept of energetic ‘quanta’ has become what could be called the ‘energeticist’ equivalent of the old ‘materialist’ notion of particles – both united by the assumption that reality is composed of discrete entities or units rather than continuous fields.

What did Einstein have to say about this?

“All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken.”

“The quanta really are a hopeless mess.”


Nowhere does the mythical and quasi-religious nature of what is taken today as 'physics' come to expression more clearly than in attempt to ‘unify’ ‘Quantum Mechanics’ with Einstein’s theories of Relativity. Quantum Mechanics has to do with the nature of electromagnetic forces – that is to say, of light in the form of ‘photons’ or ‘quanta’ of energy. Relativity on the other hand has to do with the nature of light in relation to space and gravity. ‘Gravity’ however, is not just as a force wholly distinct to electromagnetism but – not least in its now most problematic form, that of so-called ‘dark matter’ – now appears as a ‘dark’ and mysterious counter-pole to light itself. Recognising this, we can begin to see that all the abstract and arcane terminologies, mathematical theories and competing theoretical frameworks of modern physics are but a modern echo of age-old religious mythologies of a universe created from primordial forces of Light and Darkness. Needing as it does to ‘scientifically’ explain their relation through a single ‘Unified Field Theory’ or ‘Theory of Everything’, the quest for such a Theory is now the most important theological challenge facing physics in its attempt to shed 'light' on the fundamental nature of reality - for all its attempts to do so are now threatened by the mystery of ‘dark' matter.

Light has long been a primordial religious metaphor of ‘spirit’ – hence such phrases such as ‘en-lightenment’, ‘illumination’ etc. Only in Indian religious and philosophical thought however, arose the decisive recognition that physical light - the light of suns, stars and galaxies – would not itself be anything visible or measurable without an awareness of it. Hence arose a concept of the essence of light as awareness itself – not an awareness that is the mere ‘property’ or ‘emanation’ of divine beings or cosmic bodies, material particles or quanta of energy but an awareness pervading the universe as space and light, an awareness of which all things and all beings are ultimately composed. It is only through and within this universal awareness that all and any ‘actual’ phenomena can first ‘come to light’as manifest phenomena - from within the ‘gravitational’ density and ‘darkness’ of a realm of infinite potentialities of actualisation and manifestation.

In that grand synthesis of Indian metaphysical and religious thought forged in 10th century Kashmir by great religious metaphysical thinkers such as Abhinavagupta and Kshemaraja we already find a more foundational and fundamental understanding of both space and light that any than can be found in modern physics - one which understands them not as dimensions of an ‘objective’ universe of ‘matter’ or ‘energy’, but rather as dimensions of an essentially subjective universe – of subjectivity or awareness as such in its universal, all-pervasive and ‘field’ character:

“The being of all things that are recognised in awareness in turn depends on awareness."

“… space is inherent in the soul as true subjectivity which is at once empty of objects and which also provides a place in which objects may be known.”

Sri Abhinavagupta

“Every appearance owes its existence to the light of awareness.
Nothing can have its own being without the light of awareness.”


Space as such, in other words, is nothing essentially physical but rather a universal and continuous field of awareness in which alone all phenomena can first 'come to light' from a 'dark' realm of unbounded potentialities of awareness. Light too, is nothing essentially physical but rather metaphysical - physical light being an expression of the metaphysical light of awareness in which all things first ‘come to light’, indeed in which they first first come to be or emerge (to ‘come to light’ being the root meaning of the Greek verb phainesthai from which the very word ‘phenomenon’ derives, and ‘to emerge’ being the root meaning of the Greek verb phuein - from which the very term ‘physics’ itself derives).

Light, including the light of suns, stars and galaxies, is something that ‘comes to light’ only in the light of an awareness of it. The light that we see around us is in turn nothing but a manifestation of the transcendental-metaphysical light of that awareness.


Not only does physics, as – supposedly - the most ‘fundamental’ of all the sciences, fail to explain the ‘hard facts’ of our everyday subjective experience of phenomena such as light, it fails above all to recognise the most fundamental or ‘hardest’ scientific ‘fact’ of all – which is not the ‘objective’ existence of a universe of matter, energy, space and time, light and gravity – but rather a subjectively experienced awareness of such a universe. In this sense, physics is no more based on hard fact than religious ‘mythologies’ of light and darkness.

As I have argued in my book The Awareness Principle the unseen and unanswered philosophical challenge to current science lies in the recognition that awareness cannot - in principle – be the product or property of any thing or being we are aware of - including our own body or our own being.

This simple logical principle means that awareness alone - and not any form physical matter, energy, space or time, must itself be the sole and absolute reality behind all things – and thus also the sole possible basis for a ‘Theory of Everything’.

A new and true concept of science must therefore be founded on a new fundamental principal - what I term ‘The Awareness Principle’.

This Principle recognises (1) that awareness is everything and (2) that everything in turn is an awareness – a manifestation of consciousness and no mere 'object' of consciousness.

The hard fact that current physics has yet to confront is that the only possible ‘Unified Field Theory’ is a Unified Field Theory of Awareness – of ‘subjectivity’. Yet acknowledging this fact challenges the most fundamental of all the unquestioned religious dogmas of modern science - indeed its 'sacred cow'. This is the dogma that ‘truth’ is ‘objectivity’ and that knowledge is by definition knowledge of ‘objects’ on the part of isolated ‘observers’ or ‘subjects’ - subjects who happen to have mysteriously and inexplicably ‘evolved’ a subjective awareness or ‘consciousness’ from out of an otherwise wholly insentient and unaware universe of 'objective' space and time, ‘matter’ and ‘energy’.

What I call ‘The Science Delusion’ is the delusion of an ‘objective science’ which stands in the way of a new model of science - as subjective science. Subjective Science is also ‘Qualitative Science’. I call it Cosmic Qualia Science. It constitutes a ‘Second Scientific Revolution’ - restoring science to its empirical roots in a direct subjective and qualitative experience of phenomena - and constituting a science of 'qualia' rather than of abstract 'quanta'.

The term ‘qualia’ is conventionally used only to describe our experience of the outer sensory qualities of things. Such sensory qualities however, are in essence the outward manifestation of innate ‘psychical’ qualities of subjectivity or awareness as such. This distinction is crucial. For whilst a feeling of physical warmth is clearly a ‘physical’ or sensory quale what we experience as ‘warmth of feeling’ is a psychical quale or ‘soul quality’.

Light, from this point of view, is essentially a manifestation of the light of awareness. Similarly, outwardly perceived colours are expressions of felt ‘colourations of awareness’ – comparable to differently coloured subjective moods. A qualitative, subjective-scientific understanding of light and darkness offers a quite different route to the understanding of ‘dark matter’ and of ‘gravity’ itself – the latter being nothing but a density of as-yet unmanifest qualities and qualitative intensities of awareness.

Awareness, like light, is first of all an awareness of potentiality - of what could potentially be illuminated or 'come to light' as an actual phenomenon from within a 'dark' realm of potentialities of awareness. Yet if what physical science seeks to 'bring to light' is already pre-defined in terms of metaphors deriving from the realm of actual rather than potential phenomena (for example the metaphor of electromagnetic or gravitational 'waves') it will forever leave us 'in the dark' - not least in relation to 'dark matter'.

In contrast, and as argued in the first part of this essay, Subjective Science offers us an old-new concept, not just of 'dark matter' but of matter itself, understood as something essentially 'dark'. That is because the idea of material 'substance' is merely a mental construct created from our experience of potential dimensions of sensory experiencing - in particular the sensed potential to experience things in a tactile as well as visual way (for example as possessing qualities of hardness and softness, weight and lightness etc.). Thus the fact that the blind can sense things in space even without seeing them as visible, light-reflecting or light-radiating objects does not mean that what they are sensing is 'dark matter' in the new cosmological sense. Rather it confirms, as argued at the start of this essay, that visibility is not the fundamental criterion defining the essence of matter, and that so-called 'dark matter', far from being a mysterious sub-species of matter belongs to the hidden essence of matter as such, an essence that will remain forever hidden - 'occult' - to a purely objectivist and 'matterphysical' approach to science, as opposed to a subjectivist and metaphysical one.

That is why the term 'dark matter' essentially names what physicists themselves recognise as a dark and 'occult' threat to the hidden metaphysical framework of 'physical' science as a whole - a framework of constructs and dogmatnic assumptions which to which this 'science' is blind, and yet one to which it still stubbornly, blindly and religiously clings.

For as Heidegger noted: "Science is the new religion."

29 May 2018

Restoration Day? No Thanks. Better to Restore the Republic

Today is Oak Apple Day, or Restoration Day.  The 29th May is when Royalists celebrate the end of the Commonwealth and the return of the Monarchy.  on this day in 1660, a great tragedy occurred, when Charles the 2nd assumed the Throne and England (as it then was) walked away from the rule of the people, in favour of total submission to the Ruling Class.  This insanity is nothing to celebrate, yet Monarchists do exactly that. 

Charles I Executed (hooray), Charles II Restored (outrageous), Charles III Impending (sigh) 

The next 'king' is scheduled to be Charles the 3rd. In the 358 years since the last charlie was on the throne, the country has fallen into ruin, becoming a land of class division, where money is the be-all and end-all.  As Republicans, SMPBI rues the day that Charles II was put in charge of England, and likewise the day that Charles III will be in charge of the UK.

Charles Windsor (charlie iii) is portrayed by the media as a lovable albeit slightly potty man who genuinely cares for the people. The bizarre rantings of the man would be harmless enough were it not for his position as heir to the throne of Great Britain and the territories of the Crown. When one takes into account the lunatic Prince's position in the internationalist mafia, his rantings lose their humorous appeal.

The Prince of Wales says he believes he has been placed on Earth as future King ‘for a purpose’ - to save the world.

Giving a fascinating insight into his view of his inherited wealth and influence, he said: 'I can only somehow imagine that I find myself being born into this position for a purpose.'

'Prince' Charles is an open borders Globalist.  He is a land-owner of vast tracts across the UK, yet has the nerve to say that we must learn to live in smaller homes to save the planet.  He supports the mass migration of displaced 'refugees' (mostly economic migrants) which is destroying the countryside and infrastructure of our countries.  He is a typical modern 'green' who espouses environmentalism in the same breath as arguing for an end to borders - failing to see that borders are needed to protect the environment

Charles married and bred with a relative named Diana, who gave her a son, William.  She also had a son with James Hewitt, creating Harry Whodunnit (Whodunnit? Hewitt Dunnit!), for which the 'loveable eccentric prince', had her murdered.  This is the calibre of the 'royals' who monarchists consider to be better than the rest of us.

Charles will, unless his mother outlives him, be the next King of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. It is argued that his position is merely ceremonial, with real power resting in Parliament. This is simply not true. The British Monarchy are a part of the Global elite. They have massive financial power and have influence which cannot be underestimated.

Monarchists revere the Royals as being superior to ordinary mortals.  Indeed the Royals themselves hold this view, as can be seen in the King James Bible, which states the 'Divine Right of Kings' to rule over the masses. The Monarchy used to rule openly as despots with literally the power of life and death over their 'subjects'. This overt control has been replaced by a more cunning and secretive authority based on their positions as titular heads of the Anglican Church, and Heads of State. By allowing their minions to take the visible positions in Government and the Church, the Royal Family ensure their power continues in a manner which does not provoke outrage. They perpetuate the myth that they are merely figureheads, in order to direct rebellion against puppets who are dispensable.

The controlled media portrays Charles as just a cuddly little man with big ears who likes to talk to plants?  His proclamation that he intends to be 'Defender of all Faiths' is a declaration of Globalisation which will eliminate all nations, cultures and religions - replacing them with a bland, easily controlled, mass of consumers whose only loyalty is Brand Loyalty.

Legal shenanigans

Charlie's ma, Elizabeth, is the current head of the criminal dynasty, and has been since her coronation in 1952. Regardless of how one views religion, it is a fact that the basis of the coronation of Elizabeth Windsor was religious.  She had to legally swear to uphold the doctrine of the Christian Faith, and failure to adhere to the oaths made in the coronation makes her rule invalid. 

According to the laws of the coronation, it is forbidden for the monarch to accumulate wealth, yet the 'queen' owns 1/6th of the world.  It is a requirement that on the monarchs 50th anniversary of power, all debt will be written off, and wealth redistributed amongst the people, yet since 2002, the monarchy and their equally loathsome collaborators in the banking cartels and the Crown (City of London), have raped the people of our wealth at a rate never before experienced.

Legally and morally, the monarchy has no legitimacy.  This is an interesting fact which we must not overlook: as the Sovereign Head of State, Elizabeth Windsor has to approve all legislation before it can be put into effect.  As the Windsor mafia have no legitimacy, then legally not a single Act of Parliament, not a single treaty, no law or bye-law, passed during the misrule of Elizabeth Windsor, is valid.

It is said that Britain does not have a Constitution, but this is not the case.  Britain does not have a single codified constitution, but rather a collection of documents which together serve as the Constitution.  It is forbidden in perpetuity for any foreign body to have power over any British institution.  This dates back to the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights. Thus, even if the rule of the Windsor gang was legitimate (which it is not), accession to the EEC, EFTA, EEA, and ultimately EU, is illegal according to our true laws which the occupation puppets would like to pretend do not exist.  So ironically, we don't need a Brexit process, the country is legally prohibited from being in the EU at all.

It would not be exaggerating to say that the Windsors are the most evil family on the face of the Earth.  They have presided over and profited from two World Wars.  Before they adopted the name Windsor, the mafia were known as Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and under this name they oversaw the butchering of the Dutch Farmers of southern Africa (the Boers), with horrific crimes of rape and murder which featured the creation of the very first modern Concentration Camps.  The British camps were extermination centres.  The Boers were raped, starved, beaten and terrorised.  All this was under the approving eye of the diabolical British Establishment who now call themselves Windsor.

The present mafia boss, Elizabeth II, has carried on the family tradition of brutalising civilians and undermining morality.  She has given her approval to wars of aggression against Korea, Argentina, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria to name but a few.  She has overseen the building of the Police State and the global Zionist empire.  Thankfully, none of this odious legislation is valid, due to the fact that Elizabeth has dis-honoured her coronation vows, was not enthroned correctly to begin with, and is thus not the legitimate monarch.  Even regardless of all the legalisms, Monarchy as a concept has no legitimacy.

Role Models?

The UK and the British Commonwealth share the misfortune of being ruled by the Windsor Mafia.  In the UK, we are told by our controlled media that the 'royal' family are beloved of the nation.  This claim is repeated ad nauseum with nary a titter from the propagandist slime who sit in judgement over the people, in place of real journalists who are barred from publishing anything in the mainstream press.

The Windsors are said to epitomise the British way of life.  They are upheld as the pinnacle of society; as the role models for the nation.  What kind of role models are they?

The monarchy as an institution has been a negative force since at least the time of Henry VIII.  Henry VIII routinely committed adultery although he professed to be a Christian.  His lasting legacy was to split the Church in England, leaving a sectarian schism which has cost the lives of thousands of people across the Isles.  Much has changed since the time of the first Elizabeth, but how different are the current parasites-in-chief to their 15th century counterparts?

Elizabeth Tudor murdered her way to control of the family business, by having her half-sister, Mary, dispatched.  Surely in these more civilised times, Elizabeth Windsor would not behave in a barbaric bloodthirsty manner?  Well, one need only look at her daughter-in-law and mother of her grandchildren to see that this isn't the case.  Diana had a child outside the bloodline, but she was murdered for the twin crimes of standing up to the Windsor mafia, and for campaigning against the armaments industry, specifically the production of land mines.  Speaking out of turn may have angered the Windsors, but threatening the profits to be made from killing civilians was going too far.

Elizabeth Windsor is the head of the gang of murderers.  She is an adulteress herself, having had sexual relations with Winston Churchill, her anti-British Prime Minister who oversaw the slaughter of millions of Europeans in the Second World War, for the amusement and profit of the Windsor gang.  Her sister Margaret, was a raving alcholic and junky who worked her way through more men (and women) than a King's Cross prostitute (even bedding Michael X, the British counterpart to Malcolm X); her mother, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, slept her way to the head of the mob.  Nice family, but hardly role models.

Elizabeth's husband, Philip, is famous for his fondness of dressing up in a Freemasonic apron (and nothing else) at orgies.  His son Andrew isn't fussy about whether his sexual conquests are male or female, adults or children, and his son Charles (the man married to the murdered Diana) not only continued an adulteress relationship with the married Camilla Parker-Bowles throughout his own marriage, he also raped his male Butler.  Charles has dedicated himself to the abolition of the last tenets of Christianity which remain in the Church of England;  The man isn't fit to be in charge of a game of snap, let alone an established state religion.

The Windsors are bloodthirsty butchers who are happy to murder even their own.  They have no morality, and are so egocentric that they believe themselves to be superior to the people they rule over; psychotically believing God has chosen them to rule. 

There are still people who call themselves patriots who stand to attention when the dirge, God Save the Queen, is played.  She is not one of us, has no respect for us, in fact loathes us and thinks of us only as cash cows on which to feed.  The Windsors are a central part of the global Ruling Class and loyalty to them is as logical as loyalty to the bankers.  They are vermin, parasites and enemies of humanity.  They rape and kill at will and order their Government to destroy nations as they please.  Muammar  Gaddafi planned to abandon the paper money system, and for this threat to the financial system which the Windors are so central to, Libya was destroyed and Gaddafi murdered live on TV.

These are the people we are supposed to look up to and emulate!  Is it any wonder the UK is so psychologically damaged?  It seems that the decadence of the Ruling Class has filtered into the masses.  To restore the latter, the former must go, and never, ever, be able to return.

Tax-dodging Hypocrites

The so-called 'British' Empire is not dead. The Royal family and their minions in Parliament (Her Majesty's Government) performed a smoke-and-mirrors trick on the people by replacing the Empire with the Commonwealth (using a name associated with Cromwell, to mock the people who continue to be property of the Crown). It is true that many nations were granted independence. However, for the people who matter to the Monarchy, certain territories were retained as Tax Havens.

The Royal Family are tied by Blood to the Banking dynasties of the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Warburgs etc, and in their twisted way of seeing the world, the 'blood-line' is all that matters. The ordinary people of Britain are seeing the chance of having a home become ever more remote, job security has evaporated, and savings ae something other people have. Mass unemployment is a reality which even the statistical wizards of the media cannot hide. As we ordinary folk suffer, the Bankers and the Royals are sitting pretty with their fortunes lying safely, tax-free, in accounts which only the obscenely rich have access to. while we have to choose between having heating, or eating, the Bankers and the Royals are subsidised by those of us left in employment.

People in Britain are waking up to see the Monarchy for what they really are -  Globalists, parasites, exploiters. We owe them nothing. They are our enemies. No one should bow and scrape to these parasites.  Anyone who has a picture of the Queen hanging in his/her room, except for use as a dart board, should hang him/her head in shame, for supporting the vilest family in the nation.

The Royals have destroyed this country. They have bolt holes to flee to if ever the people rise up.  SMPBI see tax havens as perhaps places of opportunity for dealing with the monarchy.  We would deport them from Great Britain, to go live in one of the Tax Havens.  When the blue-blooded bandits are removed from the land they have exploited, they will not be allowed to take any of their ill-gotten stolen wealth. That belongs to us, not to the thieves in the Monarchy. They must leave in the clothes they are standing in, then fend for themselves as the rest of us do. These workless parasites will have to face the poverty they make us endure. We will treat them in the manner they have treated us. They will receive no hand-outs or favours. The Royals should be grateful we have the decency to give them the opportunity to face the reality normal Britons live daily. Maybe the leeches will starve? If that is nature's will, then so be it.

Britain deserves better than the Royals. We demand that Britain be a free Republic, governed by her own people, for her people. A Socialist Republic of the Isles will have no place for monarchy, which is the epitome of treason against the Working Class.

28 May 2018

David Parry: SMPBI Cultural Officer, on 'Caliban'

Editor's note:

SMPBI is proud to welcome on board the Reverend David Parry.  David is a Priest, a Poet, a Man of Culture.  He joins us as our Cultural Officer, bringing with him a broad experience of the arts and of the soul of the struggle.  Socialism is not merely economics, it is the pursuit of all that is good for the people.  Those who have a purely material outlook are as much victims of the degrading degenerate world of globalisation as are the Capitalists who profit by it.  Culture comes from the people.  The idea that it is something of the bourgeois classes is the result of anti-Working Class propaganda.  Like everything else, Culture is created by us, and like everything we create, the Ruling Class lay claim to it, in the manner of thieves who have the arrogance to take credit for that which they have no right to. 

Welcome David!

The phrase "Proletarian literature" refers to those writings by working-class authors intended for a class-conscious readership. Clearly, even though the Encyclopædia Britannica comments this genre "is essentially an intended device of revolution", these manuscripts are not merely published by the Communist Party, or sympathetic left-wing activists. Rather, the "proletarian novel" - as a narrative about working-class life,reflects a deep cultural difference between American, Russian and other traditions of penmanship to that of Britain. Indeed, British folk scribblers were not especially inspired by the Communist Party per se, but instead found their roots in the Chartist movement, along with idealist Anarchism.

Concerning the book, Caliban's Redemption:

In this collection of occult poems Parry's alter-ego Caliban muses on sexuality, seclusion and Shakespeare. Moreover, by trying to capture the dark dwarf's metaphysical lyrics moment by moment, the author slowly confronts himself as a willing prisoner on the magical island of violence and desire. After all, Caliban would claim that neither Browning nor Nietzsche had fully grasped the ethics of redemption which can only be found in unadulterated selfhood.

27 May 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 12


“…everyone but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor, or they will never be industrious.”

—Arthur Young; 1771

Our popular economic wisdom says that capitalism equals freedom and free societies, right? Well, if you ever suspected that the logic is full of shit, then I’d recommend checking a book called The Invention of Capitalism, written by an economic historian named Michael Perelmen, who’s been exiled to Chico State, a redneck college in rural California, for his lack of freemarket friendliness. And Perelman has been putting his time in exile to damn good use, digging deep into the works and correspondence of Adam Smith and his contemporaries to write a history of the creation of capitalism that goes beyond superficial The Wealth of Nations fairy tale and straight to the source, allowing you to read the early capitalists, economists, philosophers, clergymen and statesmen in their own words. And it ain’t pretty.

One thing that the historical record makes obviously clear is that Adam Smith and his laissez-faire buddies were a bunch of closet-case statists, who needed brutal government policies to whip the English peasantry into a good capitalistic workforce willing to accept wage slavery.

Francis Hutcheson, from whom Adam Smith learned all about the virtue of natural liberty, wrote: ”it is the one great design of civil laws to strengthen by political sanctions the several laws of nature. … The populace needs to be taught, and engaged by laws, into the best methods of managing their own affairs and exercising mechanic art.”

Yep, despite what you might have learned, the transition to a capitalistic society did not happen naturally or smoothly. See, English peasants didn’t want to give up their rural communal lifestyle, leave their land and go work for below-subsistence wages in shitty, dangerous factories being set up by a new, rich class of landowning capitalists. And for good reason, too. Using Adam Smith’s own estimates of factory wages being paid at the time in Scotland, a factory-peasant would have to toil for more than three days to buy a pair of commercially produced shoes. Or they could make their own traditional brogues using their own leather in a matter of hours, and spend the rest of the time getting wasted on ale. It’s really not much of a choice, is it?

But in order for capitalism to work, capitalists needed a pool of cheap, surplus labor. So what to do? Call in the National Guard!

Faced with a peasantry that didn’t feel like playing the role of slave, philosophers, economists, politicians, moralists and leading business figures began advocating for government action. Over time, they enacted a series of laws and measures designed to push peasants out of the old and into the new by destroying their traditional means of self-support.

“The brutal acts associated with the process of stripping the majority of the people of the means of producing for themselves might seem far removed from the laissez-faire reputation of classical political economy,” writes Perelman. “In reality, the dispossession of the majority of small-scale producers and the construction of laissez-faire are closely connected, so much so that Marx, or at least his translators, labeled this expropriation of the masses as ‘‘primitive accumulation.’’

Perelman outlines the many different policies through which peasants were forced off the land—from the enactment of so-called Game Laws that prohibited peasants from hunting, to the destruction of the peasant productivity by fencing the commons into smaller lots—but by far the most interesting parts of the book are where you get to read Adam Smith’s proto-capitalist colleagues complaining and whining about how peasants are too independent and comfortable to be properly exploited, and trying to figure out how to force them to accept a life of wage slavery.

This pamphlet from the time captures the general attitude towards successful, self-sufficient peasant farmers:

The possession of a cow or two, with a hog, and a few geese, naturally exalts the peasant. . . . In sauntering after his cattle, he acquires a habit of indolence. Quarter, half, and occasionally whole days, are imperceptibly lost. Day labour becomes disgusting; the aversion in- creases by indulgence. And at length the sale of a half-fed calf, or hog, furnishes the means of adding intemperance to idleness.

While another pamphleteer wrote:

Nor can I conceive a greater curse upon a body of people, than to be thrown upon a spot of land, where the productions for subsistence and food were, in great measure, spontaneous, and the climate required or admitted little care for raiment or covering.

John Bellers, a Quaker “philanthropist” and economic thinker saw independent peasants as a hindrance to his plan of forcing poor people into prison-factories, where they would live, work and produce a profit of 45% for aristocratic owners:

“Our Forests and great Commons (make the Poor that are upon them too much like the Indians) being a hindrance to Industry, and are Nurseries of Idleness and Insolence.”

Daniel Defoe, the novelist and trader, noted that in the Scottish Highlands “people were extremely well furnished with provisions. … venison exceedingly plentiful, and at all seasons, young or old, which they kill with their guns whenever they find it.’’

To Thomas Pennant, a botanist, this self-sufficiency was ruining a perfectly good peasant population:

“The manners of the native Highlanders may be expressed in these words: indolent to a high degree, unless roused to war, or any animating amusement.”

If having a full belly and productive land was the problem, then the solution to whipping these lazy bums into shape was obvious: kick ‘em off the land and let em starve.

Arthur Young, a popular writer and economic thinker respected by John Stuart Mill, wrote in 1771: “everyone but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor, or they will never be industrious.” Sir William Temple, a politician and Jonathan Swift’s boss, agreed, and suggested that food be taxed as much as possible to prevent the working class from a life of “sloth and debauchery.”

Temple also advocated putting four-year-old kids to work in the factories, writing ‘‘for by these means, we hope that the rising generation will be so habituated to constant employment that it would at length prove agreeable and entertaining to them.’’ Some thought that four was already too old. According to Perelmen, “John Locke, often seen as a philosopher of liberty, called for the commencement of work at the ripe age of three.” Child labor also excited Defoe, who was joyed at the prospect that “children after four or five years of age…could every one earn their own bread.’’ But that’s getting off topic…

Even David Hume, that great humanist, hailed poverty and hunger as positive experiences for the lower classes, and even blamed the “poverty” of France on its good weather and fertile soil:

“‘Tis always observed, in years of scarcity, if it be not extreme, that the poor labour more, and really live better.”

Reverend Joseph Townsend believed that restricting food was the way to go:

“[Direct] legal constraint [to labor] . . . is attended with too much trouble, violence, and noise, . . . whereas hunger is not only a peaceable, silent, unremitted pressure, but as the most natural motive to industry, it calls forth the most powerful exertions. . . . Hunger will tame the fiercest animals, it will teach decency and civility, obedience and subjugation to the most brutish, the most obstinate, and the most perverse.”

Patrick Colquhoun, a merchant who set up England’s first private "preventative police" force to prevent dock workers from supplementing their meager wages with stolen goods, provided what may be the most lucid explanation of how hunger and poverty correlate to productivity and wealth creation:

Poverty is that state and condition in society where the individual has no surplus labour in store, or, in other words, no property or means of subsistence but what is derived from the constant exercise of industry in the various occupations of life. Poverty is therefore a most necessary and indispensable ingredient in society, without which nations and communities could not exist in a state of civilization. It is the lot of man. It is the source of wealth, since without poverty, there could be no labour; there could be no riches, no refinement, no comfort, and no benefit to those who may be possessed of wealth.

Colquhoun’s summary is so on the money, it has to be repeated. Because what was true for English peasants is still just as true for us:

“Poverty is therefore a most necessary and indispensable ingredient in society…It is the source of wealth, since without poverty, there could be no labour; there could be no riches, no refinement, no comfort, and no benefit to those who may be possessed of wealth.”

Yasha Levine: The Invention of Capitalism: How a Self-Sufficient Peasantry was Whipped Into Industrial Wage Slaves (attribution - creative commons)



The autonomist movements of today do not escape the individualist decadence which touches the rest of the extreme left, a real consequence of integral capitalism. There we see a petty bourgeois and leftist (in the Leninist sense) character increasingly affirmed, which goes not only as far as denying the notions of socialism and the proletariat, but even fighting against them. [...]

The principal limit of this dynamism is remaining stuck in a sectarian leftism and positioning itself in an anti-patriotic manner, refusing to form links with other movements [...] Under the pretext of refusing bureaucratization, they arrive at the domination of the most loudmouthed elements, often camouflaged by a rather obscure intellectualism [...] In these conditions, the autonomists can only rally the most marginal lumpenproletariat, leaving the great masses indifferent to it.
Pierre Lucius, "Histoire et actualité de la mouvance autonome en France", in. Rébellion n°80, mai-juin 2017



Paul Gottfried vs Dr Jordan B Peterson on Political Correctness:

"What we call "Political Correctness" is not (contra Peterson) a Marxist creation.. Rather, we are looking at a post-Marxist leftist ideology stressing universalism, equality, and the social guilt of white Christians, and more particularly heterosexual, male white Christians. Those who are labeled victimizers (and often accept this label for themselves) are charged with oppressing a steadily expanding range of designated victims, and they are expected to expiate their guilt by showing said victims special verbal and behavioral consideration."

26 May 2018

The Abortion of Ireland's Future is a Crime of Global Capitalism

George Soros is a sick and twisted individual. But more than this, he is the face of the Global Ruling Class.  Wherever there is something wrong on a national and global level, the Soros Foundation is nearly always involved.  The Irish Abortion Referendum is no exception.

In Ireland, the people were given a 'referendum', with the media using every programme, 'news' item etc to create the idea that if the people voted to keep the 8th Amendment, then it would be misery for Women in Ireland, and that if they voted to repeal it, suddenly the world would be a better place.  The 8th Amendment protected unborn Irish children and encouraged men and women to be aware of the consequences of a hedonistic lifestyle. 

The result of the referendum is to 'normalise' abortion in Ireland. Now, just as in the UK, unborn children can be murdered because they are an inconvenience. The justification for killing children is that they get in the way of a 'career', a 'lifestyle' or any other irrelevance.  The despicable Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, is crowing that just like in the UK, Ireland will now be free to slaughter at will, which will reduce the Irish population and allow the likes of Varadkar to use this to globalise the country as the fall in population necessitates an influx of new people: people with no allegiance to Ireland; people who have a global identity; people who are pawns in the capitalist war against sovereignty.

The result today is a disgrace. The Globalist Taoiseach is cock-a-hoop at the fact that Ireland has lost an extremely important defence against Globalism.  Ireland's children have lost their rights to life.  The media on both sides of the Irish Sea are painting this as a 'historic victory' - but for whom is it a victory?  Not for Children, not for Families, not for Women. It is a 'victory' for the destroyers of sovereignty, for the abortion industry, for the cell stem Burke and Hare scientists, for all who can profit from the use of dead babies and from the consumerist lifestyles which require abortion on demand. 

Today is a sad day for Ireland.  The real victories of the 1916 Easter Rising, the formation of Eire, the great patriotism of James Connolly, the Revolutionary zeal of the Irish Citizens Army, the hope for an Irish Future - all these have been betrayed by a regime led by the enemy of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, and those who have paid him well to sell the unborn children of the nation to the butchers of capitalism.

Ireland and Britain need to unite to overthrow the scum in the Dáil and Westminster, and to honour the words and deeds of the Revolutionary Patriots who fought against the Global Ruling Class.  Let Varadkar's victory be short-lived, and a lasting Revolution sweep across the Isles with the blood of the enemies of the Working Class, not the blood of the unborn.

25 May 2018

Skills Shortages? Train the People!

No matter how hard the media spin the lies of the global corporations, everyone who has to be careful with regards to how much money they spend, must be aware that there is a global economic downturn underway.  The Zionists and their bankers have engineered this economic crisis, and it is the downtrodden workers who are being bled white by the aforementioned criminals.

The only way to have a healthy economy is to be in charge of it.  That means an end to unrestricted migration as a part of breaking away from the Finance-Capitalist economy and introduction of a Socialist system based on mutual co-operation, not exploitation. Not everyone agrees with this.

The mass media is typically bleeding heart liberal and is all for open borders.  The few parts of the media which consider that there should be restrictions on who moves to the Isles, stop at arguing that economic migrants need to be vetted to weed out the unskilled who would not benefit the economy. The Socialist Party of Great Britain argues that immigration should be allowed with no limits at all. The loonies of the SPGB (people with whom we will NOT be collaborating) are kindred spirits with the mass media and global capitalists. They belong to the same globalist mindset.  Open Borders, (or No Borders as the anti-Leninist and somehow Marxist (wtf?) SPGB dream of the world future), is good for the exploiters who can use and abuse cheap labour, but for the Working Class who daily see life get harder as the money from our wage slavery gets more difficult to survive on, it is no future at all.  The SPGB believes that:

"Socialism would be worldwide, with no nation states, no borders, and the common ownership of the whole Earth by the whole of humanity.  Disputes about ideas and values would be settled solely by debate."

This No Borders bourgeois fantasy is hippy bullshit, which starry eyed Trots and mentally impaired liberals can believe in, but for those of us who have to live in the real world, bullshit is all it is.

The liberal capitalist quota issue is a red herring. So long as the EU exists, all member states will be subject to potential unlimited immigration from other member states. In theory, as one part of the Union becomes prosperous, people from areas in decline will be able to move to it en masse. In practice, this hasn't happened, as can be seen by mass unemployment getting worse daily in countries such as Greece.  But even if the design worked, the result would be to turn Europeans into rootless cosmopolitans, and to turn Europe into a cultural wasteland: a coca cola degenerated USA on the other side of the Atlantic.

So what is the solution to mass unemployment and the skills shortage problem? Simply put, Closed Borders, genuine national sovereignty, and education.  It is vital that not only Brexit happens, but that the entire EU project, as well as all other globalist collaborations, end.  Then we must have an education system which elevates the people so no job is unfilled.

The idea that we must import people with skills to fill vacant jobs, is offensive to the people of the Isles and to the people who are called to come here.  Skills migration means that other countries suffer a skills drain.  The Capitalists have stolen the minerals, oil and other wealth of countries across the globe.  A skills drain is just another example of theft and exploitation - in many ways a covert newer version of the overt slavery of olden times - and would further impoverish the countries those people leave; simultaneously it would leave the unemployed in the Isles still unemployed, and the unskilled, still unskilled.

SMPBI rejects open borders liberal fantacism.  We call for Total Socialism in the Isles. The Working Class must be given the best education, so that any work we need to do, we can do.  Automation of jobs which are not fit for human beings to do, is something we need to promote. No-one should have to work in jobs which are soul-destroying and utterly pointless.  Everyone should have the opportunity to develop his or her skills and abilities to make work a pleasure and to make society wholesome and united.  That is the essence of Socialism.

23 May 2018

Thoughts on China's Economic Agenda for 2018 - Wilberg on Wednesday

As a Marxist, I believe it is the firm duty of the CPC to represent the interests of farmers and the industrial and white-collar proletariat in private capitalist corporations - as they did before 1949. If they don't, who will? China will then just be selling out its own workers to foreign and domestic wage-slavery.

The capitalist class would very much like the CPC to serve its exclusive interests rather than  those of the people - just as 'democratic' governments in the West do. The CPC must do the opposite - use its authority to protect the proletariat and migrant farm labour from abuse by foreign and domestic capitalist corporations - and severely punish those corporations which defy regulations on minimum wages, impose unhealthy working conditions or economically enforced and excessive overtime.

I was very disappointed that the panel in this discussion used nothing but the language of capitalist economics and not one single element of Marxism in analysing the economic challenges and the future of economic development in China - particularly in the light Xi Jinping's recent and renewed emphasis on the enduring scientific truths of Marxism. The CPC has vastly and successfully accelerated the first stage of capitalist development - what Marx called the 'primitive accumulation of capital' through migration of labour from farms to factories - as well as further stages of capitalist development such as the concentration of private capital in ever larger corporations. And in his great work 'Socialism, Utopian and Scientific' Engels stressed that the final stage - state capitalism - provides the foundations upon which the transition to socialism, i.e. full state and social ownership of the means of production based on can proceed - accompanied by the Communist-led promotion of ECONOMIC democracy and working class control of the management of corporate enterprises - thus ensuring that they serve the people and not just profit. The 'visible hand' must gradually replace the 'hidden hand'. Foreign and domestic capitalist interests will necessarily work to subvert this staged Marxist and CPC led process - not least through promoting the dominance of speculative finance capital over industrial capital, the state and the people. Beware of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs!

A debt-based state economy can only be avoided by holding to the central policy of 'The Communist Manifesto': 'the centralisation of credit in the hands of the state' - in this way maintaining China's sovereign national right to issue its own money without debt and submission to the international finance capital. The People's Bank of China has so far managed directly and indirectly to protect this basic right and maintain control of the money supply, since its 'debt' is purely notional (see  See Ellen Brown on 'Funding Infrastructure: why China is running circles around America.' )

If the privately run banking system  can create money from nothing - as the Fed and other privately owned central and commercial banks in the West freely admit to doing - so can the PBoC, but in order to invest it in the real economy and in the labour and welfare of the people (for example through state funded healthcare, unemployment security and affordable state-built housing). Its task is not like that of capitalist central banks like the Fed - which creates money to bailout the very Wall St. banks that own and control it.

The biggest threat to China is the coming collapse of this whole Western-style privately owned central and commercial banking system - from which both the state and people are forced to borrow money created from nothing. In every respect it is the duty of the CPC and its leadership to ensure that 'Socialism with Chinese characteristics' means exactly that: the evolution of 'SOCIALISM with Chinese characteristics'. Only through economic policies founded on Marxism and Scientific Socialism, which alone can recognise and overcome real economic and also CLASS contradictions facing China (let's be true Marxists and not avoid talk of class contradictions) can the great objective of Communism be fully achieved by the CPC. I was happy to hear Xi Jinping reaffirming this truth. So less reliance on capitalist economic 'experts' and more study and application of Marxist economic analyses please!!!

22 May 2018

Charities are Tax-exempt. Shouldn't the work of SMPBI also be?

Throughout Europe - with the exception of Iceland - the people are being forced to pay for the 'mistakes' of the Bankers.  Iceland has proven that the only way to deal with the Banking criminals is to let their businesses fail, and to arrest them for crimes against the people.  Sadly, in the rest of Europe, the grip of the Bankers is so complete that the people are being made to pay with their own money, to make up the profits lost by the greedy Banking cartels.  If any other businesses lose such vast amounts of money that they cannot operate, they close - and so should the Banks.  Indeed, the entire immoral system of usury should be closed, regardless of whether it is in debt or profit.

The Bankers' puppet governments introduced Austerity measures in the British Isles with interest rate freezes, tax hikes, and cuts in services.  Free Banking has all but ended, so now we have a situation where it is nigh on impossible to pay for one's utilities, or to receive pay from an employer, without having a bank account, but not only does it cost money to have one; the greedy profiteers no longer pay a level of interest which covers the costs of having an account!  That is theft, pure and simple.

The Bankers hide behind the governing regimes; deflecting anger from the financiers of the Ruling Class who are the real source of policy, regardless of the espoused politics of the government of the day.  The present government has made much of the idea of closing tax loopholes, and of preventing people who are not entitled to Welfare Benefits from receiving them.  As has become the norm in the UK, the spotlight of scrutiny has not fallen evenly across all those resident in the UK.

People in the UK are taxed more than any other nation in Europe, and for that matter most of the world.  We have to pay tax on every penny we earn, and every penny we spend.  The State even has the audacity to take a cut of any money we may have saved for our children, with its outrageous Inheritance Tax and Death Duties. 

As well as taxation at national level, we have local taxation.  Every household in the country has to pay 'Council Tax', which amounts to around £1000 per annum per dwelling in the least affluent areas, increasing with the value of the property.  Council tax is allegedly to pay for services provided by the local administrative authorities, but considering that almost every service has been contracted out to profit-making companies, the reality of Council tax is that it is yet another way to rob the people, and transfer what little money we have into the hands of the private companies which rule over us.  It is illegal to not pay Tax, thus the system is tantamount to an extortion racket - either we pay those who exploit us, or we are punished by their legal system, in terms of fines (more extorted money), or imprisonment.

There is an exception to the Council Tax rule.  Those who claim to live in accommodation which is used as a place of worship, do not have to pay the tax.  What this means in effect, is that all one has to do to escape the attention of the tax mafiosa (and dodge the tax system) is to register as a religious leader.  The people who benefit from the tax loophole which the Establishment refuses to close, are the liberal clergy who happily push the neo-con sjw policies of the governing regime.  In addition there are newer religions to the Isles who are happy to jump on the band-wagon, thus allowing the organisers of the religious populations to keep hold of the money they generate through extortion of the collecting tin, whilst those less inclined to listen to the organised theists - whether atheist of spiritual in a sense which doesn't rely on designated places of worship, become economically impoverished.  It is understandable that people who are aware of the tax loop-holes will take advantage of everything which they are given, and they should not be blamed for that.

Why should religion be a reason for tax exemption?  If we lived in a theocracy, and there was one religion enshrined by the State, then there would be no reason for places of worship to be given preferential treatment, as they would be an integral part of society.  We do not live in a theocracy.

If people wish to worship in an organised manner, let them pay for the costs of the places they use; it is beyond arrogant for people of any faith to expect their beliefs to be paid for by others.  Without tax exemption for religious places, those which flourish would provide income to the local authorities, and those which did not, would die.  Any religion which cannot survive without grandiose displays of material wealth, deserves to fail. 

Education centres are - like religious places - tax exempt.  The ludicrous situation exists where the state education system keeps children in  ignorance of anything which matters, and where the only real education which can be obtained is in the fee-paying sector.  The Ruling Class and their bourgeois collaborators have enough money to pay for their children to be educated away from the proletarian masses, but then the schools to which they send their children, have charitable status, and so contribute nothing to the economy.

If all so-called public (private) schools had to pay into the tax system, that would greatly enrich the coffers of the exchequer.  The existence of a two-tier education system in which the Working Class receive nothing but indoctrination and knowledge sufficient only for servitude, in institutions which the parasitic rich wouldn't consider sending their children to, is offensive to the nation as a whole.  If the State sector is not good enough for the Rulers, then it is not good enough for anyone.  SMPBI will abolish fee paying schools, faith schools, charitable schools, and nationalise all of them so that everyone gets equal education, and no-one can pay for 'better' education.

So what can we do?  We can home school and thus keep the state away from our children.  Those who can afford to send their children to the elite schools, should refuse to as a matter of principle.  There is no excuse for the class system, and anything which props it up is repugnant. 

How should we deal with the tax loop-hole?

We can register our homes as places of worship, and with-hold taxes from the Capitalist regime.  SMPBI does have a spiritual dimension, so why shouldn't we be able to meet together for reflection in the same way as the organised religious groups do?  If they refuse to accept our expressions of belief as valid, then surely that amounts to prejudice and discrimination on spiritual, political and cultural grounds?  It is worth considering, for reasons financial and moral. 

It is possible to buy religious titles from (unsurprisingly), the USA, at an initial cost which is a fraction of the annual saving.  The legal protection and financial exemptions afforded to the majority faiths should apply to everyone.  This isn't tax evasion, but common sense.  Why pay a penny to the enemy regime, if we can legally avoid it? 

21 May 2018

The Labour Party is selling out to Zionism

The Labour Party is supposed to be the party of and for the Working Class. It is increasingly becoming a bourgeois neo-con outfit, and evidently for the finance class of Israel.  In the recent distraction of a Ruling Class wedding, the attacks on the Working Class foundations of Labour, went largely un-noticed.  However, they have continued to increase.

In Oxford, democratically elected Councillor, Ben Llloyd-Shogbesan, has been forced out for using social media to compare the Racism of the Zionist Entity with the policies of Third Reich Germany. 

The comparison is valid. But in Zionist Labour, it is a sacking offence, and eight years of good service for the people in his area, comes to naught.

This lunacy has lost the Labour Party many good activists.  Today, Ken Livingstone has joined those who can no longer stay in a party which is anti-Working Class, neo-con ad obsessed with SJW-identity politics.  The loss of good activists who do not fall in line with Zionist terrorism - who dare to expose the barbarism of Israel - is a tragedy for the Labour Party.  It is also proof that the Blairite rot is at the very core, and that even if elected to government with Jeremy Corbyn in charge, it would not deliver Socialism to the people - except a pathetic caricature such as beloved by SJW/liberal Trotskyites.

SMPBI welcomes all real Socialists who are sick of the deliberate destruction of the Labour Party. Mr Lloyd-Shogbesan is cordially invited to join us - as it Ken Livingstone and all else who can no longer stomach the Lib-Lab-(Neo)-Con One Party State. 

20 May 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 11

We repeat: race is secondary, spirit and tradition the primary factor, because, in a metaphysical sense, race dwells in the spirit before being expressed in the blood. If it is true that without racial purity, spirit and tradition are deprived of their most precious means of expression, then it also true that pure race deprived of spirit is condemned to be a biological mechanism and, in the end, doomed to extinction. The proof of this lies in spiritual decay, the ethical stupefaction, and the slow death of many tribes that did not commit any of the sins against the blood that have been discovered by materialistic racial science. […] It follows that without the rejuvenation of the higher spiritual power latent in the Nordic symbol, all measures for the biological protection of the race will have a limited and relative effectiveness, as opposed to our superior task of a Western reconstruction of the Nordic-Aryan spirit. […]
Leader and followers, organic structure, overcoming of individualism and collectivism through a virile spiritual concept of community – these foundations for an inner rebuilding of the Folk should now be valid above and beyond the individual nations, and should lead the way to an organic conception, to which independence contributes as well as unified higher leadership, ethnic diversity, as well as spiritual, supranational community. That is what Western rebirth fuelled by the Aryan spirit means. […]
It follows that our front should also take account of all the surviving conservative and traditionalist forces in Europe and even strive toward a new active conservatism on a Nordic foundation, which will have this dual purpose: to rid the world in revolutionary fashion of a culture of decadence and the new materialist and collectivist barbarism and to call forth to new life the primal creative power of the ancient Aryans, in close connection with the values of personality, hierarchy, spiritual virility, and the Reich as both worldly and metaphysical reality. The first condition for this is the desecularization of the world and of man, of realization and of action. If this prerequisite is not fulfilled, then all roads toward the understanding of primordial Nordicism remain blocked. The first assumption is that there is a higher world beyond this one. Therefore, we have to abandon any mysticism of this world, any adoration of nature and of life, any pantheism. At the same time we must strongly oppose the curious interpretation of Aryanism invented by the dilettante Chamberlain that relates to a purely rational praise and glorification of profane science and technology for the surmounting of a supposedly un-Aryan supersensible worldview. It is indeed high time that we were done with such foolery. […]

Julius Evola.


I'm looking for a society where the true worth of a job is understood. Now, we saw this in 1979 when the gravediggers and the bin men went on strike.

The public reaction was - what greedy b-stards - how dare they leave the dead unburied and the litter uncollected. The logical reaction ought to have been along the lines of "Blimey! These blokes really make a difference to our lives! When they strike - we all suffer. Let's reward them for the work they carry out!

Can the same be said of an actress, or musician or a royal? No. If they go on strike, the impact upon daily life is ZERO.

Russell White, Populist Party UK



Our patriotism is a revolutionary, social, and combative patriotism. That is to say that we don’t take refuge in the Fatherland in order to calm or halt the passions of anyone, but to act, fight, and obtain what we lack.
- - -
One certainty cannot be discussed: we must mobilize the Spain of the countryside in a revolutionary manner. Inject it with the sense of armed revolt, desires for violence. The Spanish peasant has the right to “liberate” himself from the liberal bourgeois senorito. The right to vote is a treasonous and grotesque concession which absolutely doesn’t serve his interests.

Ramiro Ledesma Ramos


"The bourgeois domination of the nineteenth century was a rational domination. It excluded all romantic enthusiasm. It sought not paradise but temporal power, and marveling at what had come to pass, it took the newly discovered economic forces as its instruments of choice. But to use these instruments meant submission to them. The bourgeoisie itself submitted and compelled everyone else to submit..

The bourgeois morality was and is primarily a morality of work and of métier. Work purifes, ennobles; it is a virtue and a remedy. Work is the only thing that makes life worthwhile; it replaces God and the life of the spirit. More precisely, it identifes God with work: success becomes a blessing. God expresses his satisfaction by distributing money to those who have worked well. Before this first of all virtues, the others fade into obscurity. If laziness was the mother of all the vices, work was the father of all the virtues. This attitude was carried so far that bourgeois civilization neglected every virtue but work.
For the proletariat the result was alienation, which likewise represented the grip of the economic on the human being. In the proletariat, we see human beings emptied of all human content and real substance, and possessed by economic power. The proletarian was alienated not only because he was the servant of the bourgeois but because he became a stranger to the human condition, a sort of automaton filled with economic machinery and worked by an economic switch...It might be thought that the primacy of the economy over man (or, rather, the possession of man by the economy) would have come into question. But unfortunately, the real, not the idealized, proletarian has concentrated entirely on ousting the bourgeoisie and making money. The proletarian instru­ment for winning this revolution is the labor union. And the union subordinates its members even more closely to the economic function in the process of satisfying their revolutionary will and exhausting their will with regard to purely economic objects.

The bourgeois himself is losing ground, but his system and his conception of the human being is gaining. For the proletariat, as for the bourgeoisie, man is only a machine for prouction and consumption. He is under obligation to produce. He is under the same oblgation to consume. He must absorb what the economy offers him..

The counterpart of the necessary reduction of human life to working is its reduction to gorging. If man does not already have certain needs, they must be created. The important concern is not the psychic and mental structure of the human being but the uninterrupted flow of any and all goods which invention allows the economy to produce. Whence the measureless trituration of the human soul, the true issue of which is propaganda. And propaganda, reduced to advertising, relates happiness and a meaningful life to consumption. He who has money is the slave of the money he has. He who has it not is the slave of a mad desire to get it. The frist and great law is consumption. Nothing but this imperative has any value in such a life.

Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society


We must start from the man and pass through his organic unities and thus we will rise from the man to the family, from the family to the municipality and the syndicate and we will conclude in the State, which will be the harmony of all. In this political-historic-moral conception with which we envision the world in a such a manner, we implicitly have the economic solution: we will disengage from the economic apparatus of capitalist ownership which absorbs all earnings in order to replace it through individual, familial, communal, and syndical ownership.

José Antonio Primo de Rivera


You don't have a peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution. There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution.You don't have a revolution in which you love your enemy, and you don't have a revolution in which you are begging the system of exploitation to integrate you into it. Revolutions overturn systems. Revolutions destroy systems!

Malcolm X
