8 July 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 18

... there are some who will say: ‘Yes, indeed, the capitalist system can come to no good end, death in a dustbin is its doom, but will not its end be at least speedy without any help of ours?’ My friends, I fear not. The capitalist classes are doubtless alarmed at the spread of socialism all over the civilised world. They have at least an instinct of danger; but with that instinct comes the other one of self-defence. Look how the whole capitalist world is stretching out long arms towards the barbarous world and grabbing and clutching in eager competition at countries whose inhabitants don’t want them; nay, in many cases, would rather die in battle, like the valiant men they are, than have them...

And what is all this for? For the spread of abstract ideas of civilisation? For pure benevolence, for the honour and glory of conquest? Not at all. It is for the opening of fresh markets to take in all the fresh profit-producing wealth which is growing greater and greater every day; in other words, to make fresh opportunities for waste; the waste of our labour and our lives.

And as I say this is an irresistible instinct on the part of the capitalists, an impulse like hunger, and I believe that it can only be met by another hunger, the hunger for freedom and fair play for all, both people and peoples. Anything less than that the capitalist power will brush aside. But that they cannot; for what will it mean? The most important part of their machinery, the ‘hands’ becoming men, and saying: ‘Now at last we will it; we will produce no more for profit but for use, for happiness, for life.’

William Morris, Justice, 1st May 1896

" the true holder of ancient property is already no longer a man, nor a set of men but an abstraction represented by pieces of paper:
This great capital, this technical capital that reaches enormous dimensions, not only has nothing to do with ownership in its basic and human sense, but it is its enemy... for us capital is only an instrument to Production Service. This Capital, as an instrument for the national benefit of production, must belong to the producers themselves - in individual or trade-Union forms - or to the integrity of the national economy. " "

José-Antonio Primo De Rivera


"The modern world is not so contradictory when we talk about the oligarchy's way of operating. There are two types of narration, the one of of virtue, of brotherhood, of unity, while its role is to suffocate us, kill us, divide us. Imperialism is born and subsists in our malfunctioning, and to be completed, it must destroy the matrices of the peoples: the notion of fatherland, the notion of family, the notion of man-woman union, the notion of procreation. The more degenerate the lower classes will be, the higher the profit of the higher classes will increase. The preservation of one's own identity is the last bastion of resistance to globalism.
Those who know a little bit the facts of the planetary war that we are experiencing today are aware that the elites have produced a concept dressed in the mantle of love and peace while the content is genocidal. Personally, I call it the "Imperialism of virtue". They talk to us about human rights, but above all they want man to go straight into the trap that these demons with human faces have built. It is therefore evident that multiculturalism generates a multi-conflict society. Some peoples are completely different culturally, and if it is clear that sharing enriches, it can not even be denied that forced cohabitation destroys. I think it deep in my heart, I have experienced it, I am the product of the multi-conflict society."

Kemi Seba

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