18 September 2018

Britain Today

75% percent of working people struggling to make ends meet. Financial stress, based on ballooning household debt (19 billion) as well as fraudulent banking debt and battles with aggressive bailiffs due to crippling (and ILLEGAL) council tax bills - all of which together are now recognised as a leading cause of mental distress and general ill-health (not to mention 40,000 austerity suicides). This is no longer even capitalism but feudal debt-slavery. 'Mortgage' translated from French: 'the grip of death'. Yet where is any sign of the sort of rebellion stirred by the Poll Tax? Instead even petitions to abolish council tax fail to gather almost any support - so deeply ingrained and seemingly unbreakable is the belief that council, income and other taxes are necessary for state or local expenditure.

That is why Lincoln's message must be explained and repeated again, again and yet again: “The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency, and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government, and the buying power of consumers." Is this really so difficult to understand? If so, why? Too many other issues muddying the picture and allowing 'divide and rule' to reign. I propose a campaign to gather signatures for petition to enact Lincoln's socialist monetary policy - which was so successful until sabotaged by interest-greedy banks - not least the Bank of England itself.

Informative site: http://www.timetounite.com/stop-paying-unlawful-fraudulent-illegal-council-tax/

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