27 September 2018

Party Slogans can say more than they want to!

The main parties of the British Isles all have slogans which they feel convey a message of what their intentions are.  The slogans tend to be short and to the point, but they often convey more than the authors desire.

The Liberal Democrats are, for some unfathomable reason, considered important players in Westminster.  There slogan is: 'Demand Better!'  We couldn't agree more - Demand Better than these sad deluded degenerate middle class idiots!  The 'rats have taken to cosying up to the would be dictator, Gina Nadira Singh - Miller: an egomaniacal individual, born in South America to Asian parents, she lost a court case trying to block the will of the British People to leave the European Union, and now uses the Lib Dems as a vehicle to thwart the UK democracy.  The rootless, globalist, globe-trotting bigot is at home with the Lib Dems, because like her, they too have no respect for Sovereignty and the decision of the Working Class to make Britain a free nation.  Demand Better indeed!

The Greens (whoever they may be), also get disproportionate media attention, in spite of being a Brighton and Hove party, with no support outside a very strange area of England.  The trans-fascist party is all for opening the borders and ending the existence of the UK.  Of course they are anti-democracy, openly calling for Brexit to be overturned.  Their slogan is 'For the Common Good', which fits perfectly with their policies in being vague, dull and nonsensical.

The Tories have an unofficial slogan of 'A Global Britain', which is an open statement of a desire to destroy the sovereignty of the UK, and turn it into a tax haven for Global Capitalists, and a plantation for the Working Class, who will see our already pitiful standard of living, crushed as the natural protections to our well being are smashed, and our country becomes unrecognisable as a part of a Globalised nightmare devoid of Culture, Tradition or any sense of Britishness worth the word.

Labour have the equally odious slogan, 'Rebuilding Britain For the Many', Not the Few, which is designed to give the impression that they care about the Working Class and are going to weaken the power of the parasitic Ruling Class.  Labour want to throw open the borders, build on every inch of Green Belt land, and do to the UK exactly what the Tories are doing.  The vile racist, Dianne Abbott, points to the future for the Working Class if she and her trotskyite partners-in-crime became the government, and just who the 'Few' are that they are against.  Unlike the sly Tories with their pretence of respecting the EU Independence Referendum, Labour are now openly calling for a Second Referendum, to bully us into staying in the grips of the Globalist Bloc, as a stepping stone to Total Capitalism Worldwide, with all borders obliterated and all peoples reduced to servitude.

The parties in Wales, Scotland and both sides of the division line in Ireland, also have slogans, which have the same desire of hoodwinking the people into thinking that the politicians are going to stand up for the people, rather than sell us all out to Globalisation.

There is only one party with a slogan which is honest and states exactly where the party stands.  That party is the SMPBI:

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