7 September 2018

The General Election in Sweden: A Chance for Revolutionary Strasserite/Third Positionist advances

With the upcoming General Elections in Sweden this coming Sunday, I would like to introduce the SMPBI to NRM, the Revolutionary group with a significant Strasserite/Third Positionist orientation: It's two websites are either Nordiska Motstandsrorelsen or Nordfront.

They have existed for about twenty years and recently they've gone strong in a country which is getting  destroyed day by day by the globalist project of mass replacement, multiculturalism and social destruction.

Needless is to say that they are against the EU, NATO, UN and all the globalist institutions.
They are a Radical solution with a Radical plan.

NRM, just like the SMPBI do not limit to Sweden only but they are Pan-Scandinavianists with significant branches in Finland, Denmark and especially Norway.

.....and, more exciting they are standing on Sunday.

They already have contacts (as do we) with DER III WEG as this video shows and the Finnish bunch with CASAPOUND.

In Sweden with NRM, as in Italy with CPI there is a Radical Solution to the more promoted and moderate Sweden Democrats and Alternative for Sweden as it was with Lega in Italy.

Alternative for Sweden is another civic nationalist party which split from the Sweden Democrats after the latest decline an exit from the EU. The former wants to withdraw as the latest has gone to the delusional path that the EU can be changed from within.

It is time to extend our links to include Scandianvia, time to have contacts between SMPBI and NRM.

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