6 October 2018

Build the Querfront. Smash the Left-Right False Divisions

As a Revolutionary Patriotic Socialist Movement, the SMPBI needs to be principled, moral and steadfast to our ideals. This does not mean self-ghettoising, but rather seeking out allies across the spectrum.  We adopt the 'querfront' (cross-spectrum) approach, where we stand with all who believe in the sanctity of Sovereignty, and in opposition to all who support Globalisation / Open Borders.  The entire left-right false division is a Ruling Class trick to divide people on peripheral issues, so that they do not see the nature of the beast in power; so they do not unite to defeat it.

What we need is to abandon the false left-right paradigm.  The whole political spectrum is designed by our enemies; they control every aspect.  By playing their game we are perpetuating it. What we need is to distance ourselves from this farce.  We reject all forms of no-platforming, and we will work on an issue by issue basis with people who we have been conditioned to consider our natural enemies.  Of course, this does not mean being stupid and abandoning our senses by working with organisations set up by the State to capture idealistic but naive dissidents.

We need to unite across the spectrum, nay beyond it. Our struggle is based in the real world, not the fake anti-reality which has been molded for us by politicians, the banking industry (with their illusion of 'money') and the masters of smoke and mirrors in the media. We need an entirely new approach to regaining control over our lives.

Thankfully those who are reading this as outsiders to the SMPBI do not need to search for an alternative way of doing things.  You are already at the door of the solution.  Whether you have come to accept the stereotyping labels which place you in the camp of the left, the right, so long as you are willing to shed those labels and march forward as revolutionaries building a better way of life than the failed system can offer you, then you have a place in our ranks.

Join Us!
email: jointheSMPBI@gmail.com

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