3 October 2017

Stand Strong Catalonia! No to Madrid, No to Brussels

Despite extreme brutality by the occupation forces of the neighbouring country of Spain, the people of Catalonia have voted for independence from the rump of the Spanish Empire.  SWPE applauds this move and calls on the legitimate government in Barcelona to immediately declare total independence from the Madrid regime.

Spain is very similar to the UK. It is a collection of nations held together by a central imperialist authority, which rides roughshod over the local cultures of the suppressed countries.  Spain still occupies a part of Morocco (Ceuta and Melilla), the continuing occupation of which can be compared to the London regime's ongoing occupation of northern Ireland.

Catalonia has long had a distinct political outlook which brings it into conflict with Spain.  During the Civil War, Catalonia held on as a heartland of the Republic, being one of the last areas to fall to the Nationalists of General Franco.  The current situation resembles the days of Spanish Fascism, with the Civil Guards of Madrid beating voters and destroying ballot papers in an attempt to silence democracy.  The Spanish police have brutally attacked the people of Catalonia, with the Catalan Fire Brigades and Catalan Police Forces being beaten for defending the people from the imperialist aggression of Madrid.

The hated king of Spain, Felipe the 6th, has declared that his government will not recognise the right of the Catalan people to self-determination.  SWPE calls on the government of Catalonia to defy the Ruling Class tyrants and immediately declare the country free from Spanish rule.

The EU has ignored the barbaric actions of Spain, turning a deaf ear to the suffering of the People. There are elements in Catalonia which seek to make Catalonia into a new EU state, thus simply exchanging rule from Madrid to rule from Brussels. This again has comparisons with the SNP in Scotland seeking to break up the UK but keep under the jackboot heel of the EU. This of course is a problem, but with the arrogance of the EU with its demands that the Independence Referendum and police brutality be ignored, that may change.  Right now, what matters is that the People gain the State they desire, free from Madrid, and as the EU unravels, ultimately free from all forces of imperial occupation.

¡Visca Catalunya!

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