3 June 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 13


The concept of occult war must be defined within the context of the dilemma. The occult war is a battle that is waged imperceptibly by the forces of global subversion, with means and in circumstances ignored by current historiography. The notion of occult war belongs to a three-dimensional view of history: this view does not regard as essential the two superficial dimensions of time and space (which include causes, facts, and visible leaders) but rather emphasizes the dimension of depth, or the “subterranean” dimension in which forces and influences often act in a decisive manner, and which, more often not than not, cannot be reduced to what is merely human, whether at an individual or a collective level.
Julius Evola, Men Among the Ruins (ch. 13, “Occult War — Weapons of the Occult War”)



"I am addressing this to any person who is interested in Iran and the future of the country. I am addressing this to those who think about the future of their children because they are the ones who will live in this country in the future. When you use foreign products, you are actually helping foreign companies, workers and manufactures to increase their products. This will harm domestic production and it will lead to its failure. I am saying this to all the people, particularly those who are big consumers. This also includes government officials and employees. They too should use domestic products in their buildings and for their different needs.

Avoiding extravagance is another issue. We should avoid extravagance and wasting money, public resources, water, bread and soil. Soil is a source of wealth. Water is a source of wealth. Bread is a precious product. They should be careful. Everyone should be careful and they should have a sense of responsibility. They should not destroy these resources."

February 18, 2015

"The water, the soil, the air as well as underground reserves and products that exist on the surface of Earth, of which you are currently taking advantage, can be probably used in a way which will be millions of times more efficient, but of which we are not aware now. Humans should continuously strive to find new capacities and to use those capacities to the benefit of human life. There is another verse in Quran about the “avowed enemy,” that is, the most obstinate, the most ominous, and the most stubborn of enemies, whose characteristics have been enumerated. One of their characteristics is that when they find power on Earth they foster corruption and kill people and products. They corrupt the product; that is, both the plant and human products, and destroy them."

March 8, 2015

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei



"The concept of a “humanitarian intervention” is the act of imposing external solutions to internal problems in foreign societies, usually in the third world. It is basically a temporary use of military force to forestall or alleviate the suffering of large numbers of a local population. This, of course, is hardly the real purpose, but its universally the public face of these adventures."


"The idea of “humanitarian” intervention is one where strategic interests are cloaked under concerns of basic survival. Food, shelter, clean water and the basic staples of existence are meant to be ensured by the violence of the intervening force. This force then decides on which faction should rule the country. This too is also considered humanitarian. For the US, her missions have always led to the banning of political parties. In Iraq, the Ba’ath and Social Nationalist Parties were banned in the name of democracy. Therefore, these interventions are imperial adventures."


"The broader point is that the intervening power cannot do anything but respect local institutions, since these are the cells of rebirth. Yet, colonialism’s very purpose is to destroy these. When these are violated out of hand, it changes a humanitarian mission into an imperial one, though these have never been distinct. This might also corroborate Somali suspicions that the engagement is about American money, not local growth. No government will send thousands of men and billions of dollars borrowed from elsewhere to ensure clean water to tribesmen who would slit their throats in a heartbeat."
Matthew Raphael Johnson on the failed 90's "humanitarian mission" in Somalia



"Today, Eurasian people are in a profound existential sleep. But the logic of history put them in front of the dilemma either to awaken or die. That doesn’t depend on will: the will is orientated toward self-destruction. But the turn (Kehre) is always possible. Where there is risk there is salvation as well, as Hölderlin used to say. So I defend the choice of salvation. It is my choice and I hope Russia’s choice. We see signs of possible awakening in Russia through intermediary forms, such as the rejection of liberalism and American hegemony, and the search for identity. The same is true on a lesser scale for other Eurasian peoples. But I am sure the awakening will come all of a sudden. Being prepared by all human history, it will arrive quite unexpectedly. Such is Ereignis. It can last. It is the rift in the texture of the sleep-time of inauthentic existence."
Alexander Dugin on Martin Heidegger



"We hear a lot that nobody is in favour of open borders. Bullshit, isn't it? There are a lot of people who thwart preventing illegal immigration badly. People, when they write an opinion piece, deliberately and systematically confuse illegal immigrants with refugees. Who think that people looking for a better life, may move around the world as if there are no borders. It would be better for everyone if the open borders policy was to be honestly and democratically defended. Proponents of it are in different parties and movements. Let them finally clear that policy option and submit it to the electorate. This opinion is not my preference. I prefer a more intense fight against illegal migration with more effective monitoring of European borders."
Professor Mark Elchardus, flemish ex-party ideologue of the social-democrats SP.a, Source: newspaper 'De Morgen', 02 juin 2018.


What is peace? Did we borrow Palestine from them? Are we renting the land? Did they give it to us all those years back as an act of kindness?

There will never be peace with the confiscators of our lands, and if there ever emerges a supine coward among you who calls for peace with enemy, throw him in the river Nile.
Leader Gamal Abdel Nasser



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