30 October 2018

Restructuring the Site: A Forum and more for the New Pagan Year

As part of the Samhain restructuring, the SMPBI is adding a Forum to our internet presence.  This will serve two purposes:

  1. providing the members with a secure and private site to discuss policy, strategy and activities, 
  2. providing those who have not joined, a place to meet us online. (although only members will have access to the first part of the forum, which will not otherwise be visible)
We are also altering our posting system, away from daily posting to a more flexible approach:
  • A regular round-up posting will be maintained weekly, or fortnightly (still to be decided), 
  • Additional posts will be added as and when, allowing for us to respond to events as necessary, but without the need to keep a strictly daily presence going.
We are present on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube, Instagram, and will continue adding sites as activists wish.  

The confusion generated by the main SMPBI site having the old party name (Socialist Workers' Party England) will be ended with this site becoming an archive of posts up to the beginning of the New Pagan Year, with a new site with our new name becoming the main active one.  As written of in yesterdays post, there will be a dedicated site for Working Class Culture from the British Isles.

As the old year draws to an end, the new structure will assist us as we move forward, as always dedicated to the struggle for Class and Nation.

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