Global Capitalism is a sickness which is destroying the entire world. It is a sickness which only survives because of a mendacious propaganda which links criticism of an economic system with a racist genocidal mania. This is a difficult subject to broach, but it is one which must be. As Socialists opposed to the Liberal Left and the Racist Right, the temptation to shy away from such a controversial topic as the 'holocaust' is a very strong one. But to do so is the politics of cowardice. On this day, we have to look at the propaganda, who it benefits (the Ruling Class, Banking system and multinational capitalist corporations), what impact it has on free speech and freedom in general, and to grasp the nettle and openly discuss an area which is forbidden in many countries and which will result in attacks by devotees to a new religion which only continues to hold sway due to the willingness of the 'faithful' to use physical violence and the full weight of the law to attack 'foul blasphemers' who do not share their devotion.
Everyday, without fail, there will be mention in the media of the genocidal gas chamber-operated, human soap-creating, miraculously efficient (at least temporarily) killing machine of Nazi Germany. In conventional schools, every opportunity presented will be used to bring up the evil of Europeans who did 'nothing' to stop the murder of the Jewish people - including the nasty Brits who waited until 1939 to destroy their country, their people, and their future, by going to war with the Germans; nearly a whole three years before the fictitious annihilation of European Jewry began. The evil Poles are especially focused upon for their failure to save the Jews; being selfish enough to be more pre-occupied with the German and Soviet occupation of their homeland, and the war which ravaged their nation.

There are those who have looked into the Holocaust story and found strange anomalies in the story. There is the bizarre fact that the alleged Gas Chambers could not have been operated as described, without killing the guards of the internment camps. Then there is the whole issue of the work-load of the camp crematoria, which achieved such efficiency that they defied the laws of physics; miraculously disposing of more bodies in two and a half years than they could have been reasonably expected to process in over a century. The marvels of German engineering are so amazing, that one wonders how they managed to lose the war. If the Nazis were so efficient at killing human beings, then how did the inmates of the concentration camps manage to survive at all. The global Jewish population was higher after the war than before it. If the Germans had been as efficient as propaganda maintains, this would have been impossible.
Whether it is the revision of the Auschwitz death toll from 4 million to 1.5 million (and lower) by Israeli officials, and the outrageous stubborn refusal to lower the total 6 million figure; the lack of real evidence to prove that any of the 'crimes' happened, except that procured by through torture or given by witnesses who have been proven to be, ahem, untrustworthy; the fabled tales of geysers of blood, electrocution swimming baths, shrunken heads, Human Skin lampshades and soap, or any of the other amazing tales, which have been thoroughly debunked, the Holyhoax is still taught as fact. The Flat Earth Society is laughed at for clinging to the Biblical idea that the Earth was created in Six Days, and that it is possible to fall off the edge if one sails too far. The Holyhoax is founded on the same religious claptrap, yet is solemnly taught to school children, and is repeated incessantly to the mind-controlled masses of all ages; with legal penalties in several countries for those who refuse to have faith in the impossible tales of Gentile evil and Jewish victimhood.
Does any of this matter? Is it really important that the fairytale be debunked? Is it only nice and polite to allow those who witter on about the evil Nazis to indulge in their fantasies? Is it the duty of all who do not wish to be labelled as 'anti-Semites' to stay silent as all Gentiles are libelled and slandered as psychopathic butchers, and homicidal maniacs? Is it acceptable to allow the defamation of all non Jews, but especially the European people, to go unchallenged?
Europe is in trouble. Our cities have been turned over to peoples from across the globe who do not share our traditions, our culture, our heritage, or our identity. These new-comers have been wrenched from their homelands by the economic destruction wrought by the international corporations and their proxy armies. The initial waves of non-European immigration came soon after the catastrophic Second World War, when the work required to rebuild our devastated lands was such that those working on the restoration programmes were able to demand higher wages, and better working conditions. The ruling Establishment needed to create mass unemployment in order to keep wage demands down, and to keep the indigenous common people in their place - as obedient and cowering wage slaves. The newcomers were used as Scapegoats to divert attention from the real destroyers of the nation who brought the immigrants into the European lands; the spectre of the Holyhoax was used to reinforce a prohibition of any criticism of the hidden Zionist ruling power.
Immigration in Europe is a real and growing problem; a problem which must be dealt with if the European nations are to survive. The relocation of the immigrants to their home countries can only be achieved if the factors which caused their dislocation are dealt with; namely the economic system which has turned their homelands into economic wastelands. It is far easier to focus upon the immigrants themselves, than to look for the reasons they have migrated across the globe. For this reason, knee jerk anti-immigrant parties are tolerated (albeit half-heartedly abused by the media), but those which question the cause of mas migration are crushed. The Holyhoax is a useful tool of our enemies; it make criticism of the Zionist mafia synonymous with a desire to exterminate the Jewish people in toto - ignoring the fact that ordinary Jewish people are not represented by the Zionist Ruling Class and nor are all Zionists Jewish.
There are Hollywood Nazis who shout ridiculous slogans such as 'Six Million, Not Enough', and who call for people who are physically different to them to be killed. These types are a gift to the Establishment, and in most cases the organisations to which they belong, are created and guided by the Establishment. The existence of those who wear Nazi regalia and chant slogans calling for genocide, is a continuation of the Holyhoax propaganda. Whereas this sort of behaviour should be passed off as an irritating diversion from serious efforts to resolve our problems, it has a damaging impact which helps to reinforce the popular image of anti-internationalists as anti-humans. The Hollywood hobbyists are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution.
The Holyhoax has been used to halt criticism of Israel. By accepting the lies of the Holyhoax, the people have been conned into accepting the ongoing lies of genocide by heretics who fail to accept Globalism as innevitable. In Serbian Bosnia, the fabricated Srebrenica Massacre fable drew on the Holyhoax tales; in Syria, the lies about Houla, and the foul anti-Libyan stories about a government massacre in Benghazi, were also echoes of the Holyhoax propaganda. If the people only knew that the Holyhoax has as much truth in it as the lies of German soldiers bayoneting babies during the Great War, then they would be less likely to believe the lies of the modern era. The Holyhoax propaganda has pre-programmed the masses who have not questioned it, to accept the lies against Serbia, Libya, Syria, and of course the 9/11 World Trade Centre Massacre. From these outrageous calumnies have come wars of aggression by the NATO terror machine, and millions of deaths - not illusory 'gas chamber' deaths, but real deaths of people of all manner of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, including a number of Jewish people who the Zionist terrorists are just as happy to sacrifice in order to achieve their goals - all organised for the benefit of the internationalist corporations.
There are laws prohibiting research into the Holyhoax. Why? Because without this evil propaganda, the entire edifice of the globalist war machine would collapse, and with it the wage slavery it enforces. The Holyhoax defames Europeans. It paints us as murderers who must be eliminated as a race, lest the Jews be liquidated 'again'. The fact that the Capitalist system is not controlled by or headed by a single ethno-cultural group, is ignored by the promoters of the Holocaust story and of their pain-staking linkage of 'holocaust denial' to anti-Semitism. More than this, the neo-nazi groups who chant racist slogans against the Jewish people, help to keep this link alive. Ordinary Jewish people have become a collective human shield behind which the Global Ruling Class of all ethnic backgrounds, sit in smug safety.
The Holocaust does matter. It matters because it is the rationale for our destruction. It matters because it keeps the ordinary Jewish people in the grips of their leaders who have lied to them just as they lie to us. Without the Holyhoax, perhaps the Jews could escape from the mind control of the Zionists, and renounce their vile supremacist Talmudic creed, which is used as a divine excuse for the subjugation of the Palestinians. Then, maybe, the pariah nation could return to the fold of humanity, and without the likes of the Rothschilds to mislead them into the path of tyranny, they could live in peace side by side with everyone else.
The Holyhoax is the cornerstone of Internationalism. To destroy the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, we must expose the lies upon which the very real evil facing us, is founded.
Today in the UK, and in many other countries, is Holocaust Remembrance Day. The 27th January is the holiest day for the Cult of Holocaustianity.
In our schools, all year round children are spoon-fed lie after lie about the treatment of Jews in wartime Europe, and about the 'guilt' they must feel because their grandparents and great-grandparents didn't do enough to stop a piece of fiction dreamed up by the victors of the Second World War. The deaths of countless Britons in the suicidal war for Global Capitalism means nothing to the Ruling Class. The Zionist media devotes its entire schedule to the brain-washing of gullible viewers into accepting the lies of the Holocaust as a means of countering criticism of the brutal occupation of Palestine. The legal system criminalises all objections to the brain-washing of the school system and media. Everything the Establishment is doing to destroy Working Class European life in our unhappy lands, is celebrated in its purist form on this day; Holyhoax day.
Politicians across the land have been attending services presided over by corrupted clergymen and professional liars lamenting the demise of 6 million Jews; failing to mention that the global Jewish population actually rose in the alleged Holocaustian years. The media-numbed masses have been listening intently to Jewish Germans telling fantastic tales which would make the worst fiction authors blush. How many will pause to consider the fact that had the Jewish population of Germany been annihilated as the lying propagandists of the Holyhoax maintain, rather than simply relocated to the USA and elsewhere, then there would be almost no Jews with German names, rather than the majority, as is the case? Of course, the Cult of Holocaustianity is built on blind faith, and its devotees can no more consider questioning the trustworthiness of those who preach to them, than they could allow room for doubt even when confronted with the blatant absurdities of the fables themselves.
Those of us who have survived the genocide of rational thought which is laughingly referred to as 'education', are duty bound to ensure that we too mark the festival of self-abasement with a defiant defence of the Truth. We will be called 'Holocaust Deniers' but we should not be cowed by such a label. Of course we deny the ridiculous lies of our oppressors, and we should do so with pride. Submitting to a lie out of fear of the repercussions of upholding the truth, is the worst kind of cowardice; a cowardice which emboldens our enemies and tightens the mental shackles which hold our children in a position of servitude.
The Holyhoax is a faith which can easily be disproven. There are the fantastic tales of lamp shades and soap made of human skin, which even the High Priests themselves have admitted are false. There are the fabricated statements of 'survivors' which attest to information they cannot have been privy to at the time of their detainment; although such fraudulent 'evidence' was sufficient for the Zionist victors to judicially murder those defeated in conflict. There are the stories of mobile diesel vans, electrocution swimming pools, gas chambers disguised as telephone boxes, gas chambers masquerading as shower rooms (built in such a way that should gas have been used, not only would the inmates have died, but also those removing them, inmates and staff alike), and indeed so many other ridiculous tales as to make belief in the Holocaustian nonsense impossible but for the power of media manipulation.
Holocaustianity is crafted in such a way that any criticism of anything in which Jewish people have a leadership role is automatically reacted to as an expression of anti-Semitism which can only the lead to the Gas Chambers. Criticism of Usury is not allowed, thus giving the Rothschild Bankers and the likes of George Soros absolute power in the West. The genocide of Palestine is only half-heartedly spoken of (or in the case of the BBC, treated as self-inflicted and no fault of the Israelis at all).
More Germans died during the Zionist-orchestrated RAF terror bombing of Dresden than the total number of Jews who perished throughout the entire Concentration Camp system. In the case of the latter, the majority of those who died, did so after contracting Typhus, which should have been curable had it not been for the military actions of the powers under Zionist control. In the case of the former, old men, women, children, the disabled and those wounded in battle who were no longer fighting, were deliberately murdered in a carefully crafted fire-storm, calculated to murder as many human beings as possible as a means of instilling fear of the Zionist War Machine - in a real Holocaust of fire.
There are people who consider opposition to Holocaustianity as a pointless exercise, akin to discussing the nonsense of the Flat Earth Society. However, whereas both articles of faith have their origin in the Bible, the Flat Earth Society has never harmed anyone, let alone been used as a justification for the genocide of entire peoples. Holocaustianity excuses the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians with the childish logic that because the Jews suffered in the early 1940s, that somehow makes their decades-long persecution of Arabs acceptable. This argument is of the level of a school child fighting in a playground arguing that the other child 'started it'. Two wrongs do not make a right - especially when the first 'wrong' is the product of a disturbed imagination, and didn't occur to begin with.
Does any of this matter? Is it really important that the fairytale be debunked? Is it only nice and polite to allow those who witter on about the evil Nazis to indulge in their fantasies? Is it the duty of all who do not wish to be labelled as 'anti-Semites' to stay silent as all Gentiles are libelled and slandered as psychopathic butchers, and homicidal maniacs? Is it acceptable to allow the defamation of all non Jews, but especially the European people, to go unchallenged?
Europe is in trouble. Our cities have been turned over to peoples from across the globe who do not share our traditions, our culture, our heritage, or our identity. These new-comers have been wrenched from their homelands by the economic destruction wrought by the international corporations and their proxy armies. The initial waves of non-European immigration came soon after the catastrophic Second World War, when the work required to rebuild our devastated lands was such that those working on the restoration programmes were able to demand higher wages, and better working conditions. The ruling Establishment needed to create mass unemployment in order to keep wage demands down, and to keep the indigenous common people in their place - as obedient and cowering wage slaves. The newcomers were used as Scapegoats to divert attention from the real destroyers of the nation who brought the immigrants into the European lands; the spectre of the Holyhoax was used to reinforce a prohibition of any criticism of the hidden Zionist ruling power.
Immigration in Europe is a real and growing problem; a problem which must be dealt with if the European nations are to survive. The relocation of the immigrants to their home countries can only be achieved if the factors which caused their dislocation are dealt with; namely the economic system which has turned their homelands into economic wastelands. It is far easier to focus upon the immigrants themselves, than to look for the reasons they have migrated across the globe. For this reason, knee jerk anti-immigrant parties are tolerated (albeit half-heartedly abused by the media), but those which question the cause of mas migration are crushed. The Holyhoax is a useful tool of our enemies; it make criticism of the Zionist mafia synonymous with a desire to exterminate the Jewish people in toto - ignoring the fact that ordinary Jewish people are not represented by the Zionist Ruling Class and nor are all Zionists Jewish.
There are Hollywood Nazis who shout ridiculous slogans such as 'Six Million, Not Enough', and who call for people who are physically different to them to be killed. These types are a gift to the Establishment, and in most cases the organisations to which they belong, are created and guided by the Establishment. The existence of those who wear Nazi regalia and chant slogans calling for genocide, is a continuation of the Holyhoax propaganda. Whereas this sort of behaviour should be passed off as an irritating diversion from serious efforts to resolve our problems, it has a damaging impact which helps to reinforce the popular image of anti-internationalists as anti-humans. The Hollywood hobbyists are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution.
The Holyhoax has been used to halt criticism of Israel. By accepting the lies of the Holyhoax, the people have been conned into accepting the ongoing lies of genocide by heretics who fail to accept Globalism as innevitable. In Serbian Bosnia, the fabricated Srebrenica Massacre fable drew on the Holyhoax tales; in Syria, the lies about Houla, and the foul anti-Libyan stories about a government massacre in Benghazi, were also echoes of the Holyhoax propaganda. If the people only knew that the Holyhoax has as much truth in it as the lies of German soldiers bayoneting babies during the Great War, then they would be less likely to believe the lies of the modern era. The Holyhoax propaganda has pre-programmed the masses who have not questioned it, to accept the lies against Serbia, Libya, Syria, and of course the 9/11 World Trade Centre Massacre. From these outrageous calumnies have come wars of aggression by the NATO terror machine, and millions of deaths - not illusory 'gas chamber' deaths, but real deaths of people of all manner of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, including a number of Jewish people who the Zionist terrorists are just as happy to sacrifice in order to achieve their goals - all organised for the benefit of the internationalist corporations.
There are laws prohibiting research into the Holyhoax. Why? Because without this evil propaganda, the entire edifice of the globalist war machine would collapse, and with it the wage slavery it enforces. The Holyhoax defames Europeans. It paints us as murderers who must be eliminated as a race, lest the Jews be liquidated 'again'. The fact that the Capitalist system is not controlled by or headed by a single ethno-cultural group, is ignored by the promoters of the Holocaust story and of their pain-staking linkage of 'holocaust denial' to anti-Semitism. More than this, the neo-nazi groups who chant racist slogans against the Jewish people, help to keep this link alive. Ordinary Jewish people have become a collective human shield behind which the Global Ruling Class of all ethnic backgrounds, sit in smug safety.
The Holocaust does matter. It matters because it is the rationale for our destruction. It matters because it keeps the ordinary Jewish people in the grips of their leaders who have lied to them just as they lie to us. Without the Holyhoax, perhaps the Jews could escape from the mind control of the Zionists, and renounce their vile supremacist Talmudic creed, which is used as a divine excuse for the subjugation of the Palestinians. Then, maybe, the pariah nation could return to the fold of humanity, and without the likes of the Rothschilds to mislead them into the path of tyranny, they could live in peace side by side with everyone else.
The Holyhoax is the cornerstone of Internationalism. To destroy the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, we must expose the lies upon which the very real evil facing us, is founded.
Today in the UK, and in many other countries, is Holocaust Remembrance Day. The 27th January is the holiest day for the Cult of Holocaustianity.
In our schools, all year round children are spoon-fed lie after lie about the treatment of Jews in wartime Europe, and about the 'guilt' they must feel because their grandparents and great-grandparents didn't do enough to stop a piece of fiction dreamed up by the victors of the Second World War. The deaths of countless Britons in the suicidal war for Global Capitalism means nothing to the Ruling Class. The Zionist media devotes its entire schedule to the brain-washing of gullible viewers into accepting the lies of the Holocaust as a means of countering criticism of the brutal occupation of Palestine. The legal system criminalises all objections to the brain-washing of the school system and media. Everything the Establishment is doing to destroy Working Class European life in our unhappy lands, is celebrated in its purist form on this day; Holyhoax day.
Politicians across the land have been attending services presided over by corrupted clergymen and professional liars lamenting the demise of 6 million Jews; failing to mention that the global Jewish population actually rose in the alleged Holocaustian years. The media-numbed masses have been listening intently to Jewish Germans telling fantastic tales which would make the worst fiction authors blush. How many will pause to consider the fact that had the Jewish population of Germany been annihilated as the lying propagandists of the Holyhoax maintain, rather than simply relocated to the USA and elsewhere, then there would be almost no Jews with German names, rather than the majority, as is the case? Of course, the Cult of Holocaustianity is built on blind faith, and its devotees can no more consider questioning the trustworthiness of those who preach to them, than they could allow room for doubt even when confronted with the blatant absurdities of the fables themselves.
Those of us who have survived the genocide of rational thought which is laughingly referred to as 'education', are duty bound to ensure that we too mark the festival of self-abasement with a defiant defence of the Truth. We will be called 'Holocaust Deniers' but we should not be cowed by such a label. Of course we deny the ridiculous lies of our oppressors, and we should do so with pride. Submitting to a lie out of fear of the repercussions of upholding the truth, is the worst kind of cowardice; a cowardice which emboldens our enemies and tightens the mental shackles which hold our children in a position of servitude.
The Holyhoax is a faith which can easily be disproven. There are the fantastic tales of lamp shades and soap made of human skin, which even the High Priests themselves have admitted are false. There are the fabricated statements of 'survivors' which attest to information they cannot have been privy to at the time of their detainment; although such fraudulent 'evidence' was sufficient for the Zionist victors to judicially murder those defeated in conflict. There are the stories of mobile diesel vans, electrocution swimming pools, gas chambers disguised as telephone boxes, gas chambers masquerading as shower rooms (built in such a way that should gas have been used, not only would the inmates have died, but also those removing them, inmates and staff alike), and indeed so many other ridiculous tales as to make belief in the Holocaustian nonsense impossible but for the power of media manipulation.
Holocaustianity is crafted in such a way that any criticism of anything in which Jewish people have a leadership role is automatically reacted to as an expression of anti-Semitism which can only the lead to the Gas Chambers. Criticism of Usury is not allowed, thus giving the Rothschild Bankers and the likes of George Soros absolute power in the West. The genocide of Palestine is only half-heartedly spoken of (or in the case of the BBC, treated as self-inflicted and no fault of the Israelis at all).
More Germans died during the Zionist-orchestrated RAF terror bombing of Dresden than the total number of Jews who perished throughout the entire Concentration Camp system. In the case of the latter, the majority of those who died, did so after contracting Typhus, which should have been curable had it not been for the military actions of the powers under Zionist control. In the case of the former, old men, women, children, the disabled and those wounded in battle who were no longer fighting, were deliberately murdered in a carefully crafted fire-storm, calculated to murder as many human beings as possible as a means of instilling fear of the Zionist War Machine - in a real Holocaust of fire.
There are people who consider opposition to Holocaustianity as a pointless exercise, akin to discussing the nonsense of the Flat Earth Society. However, whereas both articles of faith have their origin in the Bible, the Flat Earth Society has never harmed anyone, let alone been used as a justification for the genocide of entire peoples. Holocaustianity excuses the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians with the childish logic that because the Jews suffered in the early 1940s, that somehow makes their decades-long persecution of Arabs acceptable. This argument is of the level of a school child fighting in a playground arguing that the other child 'started it'. Two wrongs do not make a right - especially when the first 'wrong' is the product of a disturbed imagination, and didn't occur to begin with.
Perhaps the greatest lie of the Holocaust is that the Jews were a people without a land, and therefore had to be given Palestine as a homeland where they could 'never again' be Holocausted. Palestine was already populated, and the Jewish Homeland of Birobidjan had been in existence for decades before the Zionists stole the land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean.
The name of Auschwitz has become synonymous with suffering. We all know the stories of the 4.5 million Jews who were done to death by the evil Nazis in Shower Rooms which had inside them carefully hidden Gas Chambers. We all know how the wicked Germans destroyed all evidence of their crimes against humanity, including making the ashes of their millions of victims disappear without trace. The super efficient Nazis removed all traces of their murderous death industry, even to the point of making the Showers Rooms appear as nothing but Shower Rooms - even removing any indication of the use of Prussic Acid (Cyanide), which would have stained the walls of the 'Gas Chambers' with an unmistakable blue tinge which could never be removed. We all know the stories of the endless number of 'survivors' who escaped the murderous Nazis in such numbers that they almost outnumber the entire Jewish population of Europe at the time of the Second World War. We know the stories because for seventy years we have had them rammed down our throats and have been prosecuted and beaten (some people have even been killed) if we ever dare to consider that they may not be entirely true.

The name of Auschwitz has become synonymous with suffering. We all know the stories of the 4.5 million Jews who were done to death by the evil Nazis in Shower Rooms which had inside them carefully hidden Gas Chambers. We all know how the wicked Germans destroyed all evidence of their crimes against humanity, including making the ashes of their millions of victims disappear without trace. The super efficient Nazis removed all traces of their murderous death industry, even to the point of making the Showers Rooms appear as nothing but Shower Rooms - even removing any indication of the use of Prussic Acid (Cyanide), which would have stained the walls of the 'Gas Chambers' with an unmistakable blue tinge which could never be removed. We all know the stories of the endless number of 'survivors' who escaped the murderous Nazis in such numbers that they almost outnumber the entire Jewish population of Europe at the time of the Second World War. We know the stories because for seventy years we have had them rammed down our throats and have been prosecuted and beaten (some people have even been killed) if we ever dare to consider that they may not be entirely true.
The Auschwitz legend of the 4.5 million murdered Jews has so many flaws in it that even the official Holocaustian narrative has had to be toned down, with the number of dead revised to 1.1 million Jews done to death at the infamous camp. The 6 million total has not been reduced to take into account the reduction at Auschwitz. According to the religion of the Holocaust, 6 million minus 3.4 million does not make 2.6 million (which would still be a tragic figure if it was true), rather it still makes 6 million. Such absurdities only help to throw doubt upon the entire story of the sufferings of the Jews in wartime Europe. In Germany it is a criminal offence to point to this obvious mathematical discrepancy. The Holocaust story has to be protected by law because it is far more than an account of a period of history; it is the justification for the anti-borders globalist nightmare which is destroying the entire planet.

Auschwitz was an internment camp and a labour camp. Neo-Nazis claim that the Jews didn't suffer; that they had swimming pools, brothels, bands and all the amenities one would expect of a holiday camp - the neo-nazi argument is of course absurd. Being interned for a long period of time is doubtless not a pleasurable experience; no matter how relaxed a prison is, it is still a prison; being forced to work for the benefit of those who have imprisoned you is an insult and an affront to one's dignity, no matter how easy the work. Those who like to compare Auschwitz to Butlins are idiots, and they make real research into that period in history all the harder. The inmates of Auschwitz and all the other internment camps (regardless of whether they were Jewish), did suffer the indignity of being incarcerated. Some of the inmates died of sickness which they would not have endured had they not been incarcerated. At the end of the war, as typhus ravaged Europe, the camps were not spared by the sickness and people died in large numbers inside the camps, just as ordinary people did outside them. With the exception of the unavoidable outbreaks of sickness which created intolerable conditions, the inmates of the internment camps in German-controlled Europe suffered the same indignities as those in the internment camps in the countries controlled by the Allied powers. The Auschwitz experience was not unique, and until the final days of the war when sanitation broke down, the inmates experienced conditions no harsher nor easier than those in camps in any of the countries involved in the war.
We are told that the Nazis gassed the Jews - they did not. We are told that the Jews were tortured, raped, experimented upon and brutalised - they were not; in fact in the rare instances when camp guards mistreated the inmates, the guards were harshly punished, including the use of the death penalty for the worst offenders. We are told that the Holocaust was a unique tragedy in which humans suffered more than at any time before or since - it was not. The internment camps were simply internment camps and of no significance to anyone other than those who were in them at the time.
The propaganda of the Holocaust was used to justify the partition of Germany and the outlawing of any political expression of a desire for nations to exist as sovereign entities. This political action was extended to every nation on the globe outside of China, Israel and a very small number of independent nations - the number of which has been reduced steadily in the last 70 years, but rather more rapidly since the contrived propaganda which was the massacre at the World Trade Centre on the 11th September 2001.
The Holocaust is the justification for globalised capitalism. According to the official narrative, Europeans murdered 6 million people simply because they had a different ethno-religious background. This is an act of defamation which paints ordinary Europeans as murderers or as callous individuals who will turn a blind eye to the murder of innocents. If Europeans have a trait which defines us, that trait is compassion and empathy. We are naturally a kind and welcoming people who abhor injustice and cruelty. Our famed fondness for animals is an extension of our desire for people to be treated fairly. That we are labelled as murderers and uncaring bigots is offensive and inaccurate. The Holocaust propaganda has resulted in our natural desire to see people treated in the same manner as we would like others to treat us, turned into a weapon to bring about our own demise.


Auschwitz was an internment camp and a labour camp. Neo-Nazis claim that the Jews didn't suffer; that they had swimming pools, brothels, bands and all the amenities one would expect of a holiday camp - the neo-nazi argument is of course absurd. Being interned for a long period of time is doubtless not a pleasurable experience; no matter how relaxed a prison is, it is still a prison; being forced to work for the benefit of those who have imprisoned you is an insult and an affront to one's dignity, no matter how easy the work. Those who like to compare Auschwitz to Butlins are idiots, and they make real research into that period in history all the harder. The inmates of Auschwitz and all the other internment camps (regardless of whether they were Jewish), did suffer the indignity of being incarcerated. Some of the inmates died of sickness which they would not have endured had they not been incarcerated. At the end of the war, as typhus ravaged Europe, the camps were not spared by the sickness and people died in large numbers inside the camps, just as ordinary people did outside them. With the exception of the unavoidable outbreaks of sickness which created intolerable conditions, the inmates of the internment camps in German-controlled Europe suffered the same indignities as those in the internment camps in the countries controlled by the Allied powers. The Auschwitz experience was not unique, and until the final days of the war when sanitation broke down, the inmates experienced conditions no harsher nor easier than those in camps in any of the countries involved in the war.
We are told that the Nazis gassed the Jews - they did not. We are told that the Jews were tortured, raped, experimented upon and brutalised - they were not; in fact in the rare instances when camp guards mistreated the inmates, the guards were harshly punished, including the use of the death penalty for the worst offenders. We are told that the Holocaust was a unique tragedy in which humans suffered more than at any time before or since - it was not. The internment camps were simply internment camps and of no significance to anyone other than those who were in them at the time.
The propaganda of the Holocaust was used to justify the partition of Germany and the outlawing of any political expression of a desire for nations to exist as sovereign entities. This political action was extended to every nation on the globe outside of China, Israel and a very small number of independent nations - the number of which has been reduced steadily in the last 70 years, but rather more rapidly since the contrived propaganda which was the massacre at the World Trade Centre on the 11th September 2001.
The Holocaust is the justification for globalised capitalism. According to the official narrative, Europeans murdered 6 million people simply because they had a different ethno-religious background. This is an act of defamation which paints ordinary Europeans as murderers or as callous individuals who will turn a blind eye to the murder of innocents. If Europeans have a trait which defines us, that trait is compassion and empathy. We are naturally a kind and welcoming people who abhor injustice and cruelty. Our famed fondness for animals is an extension of our desire for people to be treated fairly. That we are labelled as murderers and uncaring bigots is offensive and inaccurate. The Holocaust propaganda has resulted in our natural desire to see people treated in the same manner as we would like others to treat us, turned into a weapon to bring about our own demise.

In Europe, the Holocaust has been used as a stick to beat us into submission to Globalism. Because the Germans in the 1930s dared to attempt to break away from the Global Banking System, Germany was smashed. Anyone who suggests that Globalisation is bad for the ordinary people and only benefits the Ruling Class and multinational corporations, is automatically labelled a 'Nazi' who wants to gas the Jews, who we are led to believe (with neo-Nazi collusion) are the top Bankers and the heads of the largest corporations. The Zionist machine carefully keeps this narrative alive while making noises about anti-Semitism. Capitalism is multi-ethnic, but it serves the Ruling Class to keep opposition to Globalism focussed upon one specific people.
Anyone who suggests that we should have border controls to keep the number of people in our own country at a level which doesn't harm the land, the infrastructure, the environment, the wildlife etc, is labelled as a 'Nazi' who hates people who are different and wants to halt mass immigration as a first step towards committing genocide. Anyone who suggests that multiculturalism is bad for our own culture is labelled as a 'Nazi' who has a bigoted supremacist hatred of others, which (yawn) must lead to genocide. The example of the Holocaust is used to show what happens when people want the seurity of Sovereignty, to live in peace with nature, free from the diktat of the Global Financial Elite, to enjoy their own culture, traditions, land and environment. The fact that the Holocaust is nothing more than 1940s propaganda is the reason that it has to be protected by law to stop people realising that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be free and not wanting to be a part of a Global Plantation in which we are cattle to be used and abused by the Ruling Class as they see fit.

Anyone who suggests that we should have border controls to keep the number of people in our own country at a level which doesn't harm the land, the infrastructure, the environment, the wildlife etc, is labelled as a 'Nazi' who hates people who are different and wants to halt mass immigration as a first step towards committing genocide. Anyone who suggests that multiculturalism is bad for our own culture is labelled as a 'Nazi' who has a bigoted supremacist hatred of others, which (yawn) must lead to genocide. The example of the Holocaust is used to show what happens when people want the seurity of Sovereignty, to live in peace with nature, free from the diktat of the Global Financial Elite, to enjoy their own culture, traditions, land and environment. The fact that the Holocaust is nothing more than 1940s propaganda is the reason that it has to be protected by law to stop people realising that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be free and not wanting to be a part of a Global Plantation in which we are cattle to be used and abused by the Ruling Class as they see fit.

In Palestine, the Holocaust had the impact of taking a country from its then occupiers and giving it to the Zionist criminals under the lie that the Jews needed a special homeland lest they be holocausted out of existence. Collective European Guilt was used as a means of giving over territory to the Zionists - or more specifically, the Banking Financial elite - to use as a centre of operations in their criminal plan for the creation of a Global Order in which all countries paid allegiance to the Usurious Order. The Arabs in Palestine lost their land and the Jewish people who moved into that territory did so in complete ignorance of the fact that they were being used as a human shield to hide the criminal elite within.
The Holocaust has brought nothing but misery to the world. It has been used to justify the obliteration of nations, endless wars of aggression for financial gain, mass immigration with the inevitable (and planned for) destruction of cultures and peoples. It continues to be used to silence all who can see the ruination of the planet at the hands of greedy Capitalists. Its promotion by collaborators in high places, such as the Pope, celebrities and politicians of all conformist hues, gives it an air of respectability which it does not deserve. The enforcement of acceptance of lies upon lies by the cowardly media, civil servants and police of many countries, who would rather destroy the lives of their fellows than lose their positions of authority, maintains the Holocaustian dogma and enslaves us all.
Yes, some Jews suffered during the Second World War, but their suffering was no worse than the suffering of non-Jews. We are told that in all 80 million people died during the War, but that the 74 million have to be forgotten and the 6 remembered forever. The 6 million figure is a lie. At most, maybe a quarter of a million Jews died in mainland Europe during the war; most of them through natural causes, the rest as a result of the war itself. More Germans died in the destruction of Dresden than Jews died in the camps - and most appallingly of all, the photographs of dead Jews in Auschwitz which we are all familiar with, contain a good number of pictures of the victims of the RAF terrorists, murdered in Dresden whilst the interned Jews were kept safe from the war by the kin of the Germans who perished. No Jews were gassed. The Holocaust is a lie from start to finish.
On this seventy third anniversary of the entry into Auschwitz of Allied forces, let us have the courage to speak the Truth. We Europeans are not monsters. Wanting to be free does not mean wanting to enslave others. It is time to say NO to the propagandists and to tell our children that what they are bombarded with in the Schools, Churches and Cinemas, is a vile fiction to make them feel guilty for existing. This evil propaganda has to be confronted and the minds of our people liberated.
We cannot leave this issue in the hands of the racist bumbling Hitler-worshipping skinheads, who would have had no place in the nazi state they revere. We have to expose the Holocaust lie as a means of bringing freedom to Palestine, of stopping the NATO aggressors who justify their murder of Africans, Asians and Europeans by referring to the hackneyed propaganda, and of defending the Working Class from the machinations of the globalisers who hate our defence of Socialism and Sovereignty, because it stands in the way of their theft of the land and wealth of the Working Class worldwide.
The Holocaust has brought nothing but misery to the world. It has been used to justify the obliteration of nations, endless wars of aggression for financial gain, mass immigration with the inevitable (and planned for) destruction of cultures and peoples. It continues to be used to silence all who can see the ruination of the planet at the hands of greedy Capitalists. Its promotion by collaborators in high places, such as the Pope, celebrities and politicians of all conformist hues, gives it an air of respectability which it does not deserve. The enforcement of acceptance of lies upon lies by the cowardly media, civil servants and police of many countries, who would rather destroy the lives of their fellows than lose their positions of authority, maintains the Holocaustian dogma and enslaves us all.
Yes, some Jews suffered during the Second World War, but their suffering was no worse than the suffering of non-Jews. We are told that in all 80 million people died during the War, but that the 74 million have to be forgotten and the 6 remembered forever. The 6 million figure is a lie. At most, maybe a quarter of a million Jews died in mainland Europe during the war; most of them through natural causes, the rest as a result of the war itself. More Germans died in the destruction of Dresden than Jews died in the camps - and most appallingly of all, the photographs of dead Jews in Auschwitz which we are all familiar with, contain a good number of pictures of the victims of the RAF terrorists, murdered in Dresden whilst the interned Jews were kept safe from the war by the kin of the Germans who perished. No Jews were gassed. The Holocaust is a lie from start to finish.
On this seventy third anniversary of the entry into Auschwitz of Allied forces, let us have the courage to speak the Truth. We Europeans are not monsters. Wanting to be free does not mean wanting to enslave others. It is time to say NO to the propagandists and to tell our children that what they are bombarded with in the Schools, Churches and Cinemas, is a vile fiction to make them feel guilty for existing. This evil propaganda has to be confronted and the minds of our people liberated.
We cannot leave this issue in the hands of the racist bumbling Hitler-worshipping skinheads, who would have had no place in the nazi state they revere. We have to expose the Holocaust lie as a means of bringing freedom to Palestine, of stopping the NATO aggressors who justify their murder of Africans, Asians and Europeans by referring to the hackneyed propaganda, and of defending the Working Class from the machinations of the globalisers who hate our defence of Socialism and Sovereignty, because it stands in the way of their theft of the land and wealth of the Working Class worldwide.
1 comment:
The Kashmir Genocide
Y the evisceral hate of the Kashmiris by the Hindoos ? They are not Indians by DNA,Race or Religion. Is it the white skin complex or the fact that the ancestors of the Kashmiris pillaged Hindoosthan and also raped/ravished Hindoo women and destroyed Satanic Hindoo Temples and Idols ?
What is wrong with destroying Hindoo Temples and Idols or bombing them ? It was done by Moses,Abraham,Jesus,John the Baptist ,Prophet of Islam,Gobind Singh etc.Ghazni and his tribes just followed the path of the prophets !
And what is wrong with raping Hindoo women (wives of Brahmins/ Banias etc.)? Hindoo Gods raped Hindoo women and wives of Brahmins all the time ! In reality - the Mughals fertilised the Indian race and created a new race - one which the Indians consider to be a martial hindoo race.
Y is there a lack of intellectual defense among Islamists of the so called ravishing of the Hindoo Frigid Vaginas by the Mongols, Afghans and Mughals ?
It is what they deserved ! The Hindoo Gods created Brahmins just to rape their wives ! The best practice model was that the Brahmin used to meditate in the forests and be celibates - inspite of having beautiful wives !
The vile of the Brahmin was that he used his wife as bait to tempt the Gods to rape his wife - and then cursed the Gods - with a pardon contingent upon on a boon of writing some scriptures and limited morrtality !
Is there more evil in this cosmos ? The Empirical and Theological proof is given below :
Sage Atri - As Shiva,Indra and Vishnu , "raped his wife Anasuya"
Sage Gautama - As Indra "raped his wife Ahilya", by stealth he said the following from the Skanda PuranaV.iii.136.2-16
O beautiful la dy of uncensured features, resort to me, the king of Devas, "Sport about with me".
What will you do with this Brahmana "who has become lean and emaciated", due to his "over- zealousness for purity and conventional rites and austerities" and Vedic studies
Lord Rama's father - His wife had "sex with a horse and 11 Brahmins", to make Lord Rama
Lord Rama's Story - "Vishnu raped Tulsi/Vrinda", as her husband , was a Brahmin - then the "whore cursed Vishnu" to be "born as Rama" and have "his wife raped by Ravana" - all "due to the impotentica of 1 Brahmin"
What did the Aswins say before they raped the Brahmin Sukanya
Mahabharata 3.123
"O divinely beautiful damsel, do thou, forsaking Chyavana accept one of us for husband. It behoveth thee not to spend thy youth fruitlessly…”
Ved Vyas ,who wrote the Mahabharata, was the "bastard son", of Rishi Parashar and Satyawa
As per the Harivamsa Purana,Sage Vashishtha’s daughter , Shatrupa had sexual relations with Daddy Cool
It is the cosmic wheel of providence as nothing can happen which Allah does not will
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