21 August 2018

The Fight Against Trans-Fascism is a Fight For Decency

Trans-Fascism is a serious danger to Society.  Lesbians have rightly pointed out that the obscene 'Cotton Ceiling' ideology is a misogynistic (potentially rapist) attack on Women who do not want to have sex with Men - putting pressure on them to do so with the threat of accusation of 'transphobia'.  Transphobia is a nonsense word, but like so many before it, is destined to become a punishable 'hate crime' in the liberal dystopia we live under.  There is a very real possibility that Lesbians who do not submit to sex with men in dresses, could be hounded from jobs, and even arrested as hate criminals for not allowing themselves to be raped.

Children are the target of Trans-Fascists, with the liberal indoctrination system of 'school' sending in trans terrorists to corrupt their minds, and the media pumping brainwashing propaganda into their minds via the TV and 'music' industry - all of which, of cause, is designed to create more confused individuals, who declare themselves to be 'non-binary' (another nonsense term) and ready for genital mutilation.

Effeminate Gay Men are Men, just as Butch Lesbians are Women.  To say that people with traits associated with the opposite sex are trapped in the wrong body and need surgery to become aligned with the right one, is profoundly homophobic.

Men suffering from autogynephilia get aroused by cross-dressing, and/or fantasise about having sex as a woman.  This fetishism usually is expressed as transvestism, and it harms no-one.  The Trans-Fascists have appropriated Transvestites into their 'spectrum' of 'transgenders', promoting the idea that if a man likes to dress as a woman (usually in clothing associated with prostitutes, and hardly flattering to women), then he IS a woman, and needs surgery to align him to the right body!

Lesbians, Gays, Transvestites, Children - all are under attack.  The sexualisation of children to make profits in surgery and for hormone companies is a form of paedophilia.  Adults are being bombarded with so much propaganda that it has become normal for people to say 'they' and 'their' when speaking of a single individual.  For children, the impact of the Trans-Fascist agenda, is to break their mental health and make them easy prey to the Trans Industry - an industry which has the full cooperation of the music industry, news and entertainment media, school system, law, government, and more besides, in grooming them just as all paedophiles groom their victims.

Fight back. Educate yourself, your friends, your family, about the Trans-Fascists and what they are doing.  Stop the Trans-Fascist Paedophile Terror.

Below is a good source of literature for you to study. The folder contains a range of printable stickers and leaflets aimed at fighting the Trans-terrorists.  The UK Thought Police do not want these stickers placed in Women's spaces (Toilets, Make-up Shops, Women's Changing Rooms in Clothes Shops, Women's Refuges/Shelters, Women's Changing Rooms in Swimming Baths/Gyms) or in places such as Schools, Council Offices, Shopping Centres, Bus/Rail Stations/Shelters, or in fact anywhere at all (especially places with CCTV).  The police state mentality has now made it dangerous to distribute literature in the form of stickers, unless you are wearing a hoodie and finger-print protecting gloves and carry bottled water to apply stickers rather than DNA-rich saliva. The information below is for your own education, so with that in mind, download and make use of the material for your own interest:

Download Printable Arsenal for Education