15 March 2018

Hands Off Russia. No to the UK Regime's Lies

The UK Regime in London, backed by the fellow-Globalist war-mongers in Edinburgh, has been pushing lie after lie about the Russian Federation.  The lies have included such nonsense about Russia interfering in the Brexit vote (failing to criticise the Zionist lobby around George Soros who not only did interfere, but continue to do so as they attempt to stop the UK leaving the EU in anything but name), aping the hysteria from the USA when the Globalists' first choice, Hillary 'war-monger, racist, rapist-enabler' Clinton failed to become President.

The worst lies until recently have been against the Russian Federation's defence of the Sovereign Syrian Republic.  The Globalists started a war, using their proxy army, Al Qaeda / Islamic State, to wreak havoc, then once sufficient newsworthy bloodshed was underway, the lying media dubbed this underhand invasion of the nation as a 'civil war'.  When the Syrian People fought back to repel the invaders, the lying Globalists labelled their proxy army as 'Rebels' and the legitimate government as a criminal organisation which was murdering its own people because it was simply evil - in the manner of a Hollywood film, which is quite apt.

We have now moved on to a new depth of mendacity, with the UK regime defaming Russia with a totally farcical story about an ex-spy being poisoned with nerve gas in England.  The Regime in London, backed by Edinburgh, is trying to push the UK on to a war footing.  Theresa May is following in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher - the former who stole the Free School Milk from infants and sent the country to war with Argentina to save her premiership, the latter who is right now stealing Free School Meals from the poorest in the nation who need it most, and setting us up for confrontation with Russia.  May is more dangerous than Thatcher ever was.  That in itself is a chilling thought.

We have to be vigilant in exposing the UK Regime and in stopping war against our European Brothers and Sisters in Russia.  The liars have already painted the free Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as parts of the Ukraine occupied by Russian external forces. They refuse to accept the Sovereignty of the Russian Republic of Crimea (a Republic which was handed to the Ukraine SSR as a gift to the Revisionist Butcher of Hungary, Khrushchev, and was never ever in any way not a part of Russia except on paper).

Russia has threatened no-one. Russia has saved Syria from Globalist Terrorists.  Russia is the friend of freedom and we have to expose those who attack her.

The London Regime's own website highlights the aggressive stance of the UK and its allies in NATO.
To quote a few lines:

"The UK is taking a leading role in NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence, alongside several other contributing nations. The deployments are designed to assure NATO allies of the mutual commitment to collective European security.

Working alongside the UK forces this year will be French personnel, and from next year, Danish partners. All are there at the request of the Estonian Government. The Battlegroup will provide a proportionate, defensive, and combat capable force to defend our NATO ally and deter any form of hostile activity against the Alliance."

This is not a defensive measure, but an aggressive one. Read more at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-troops-arrive-in-estonia-for-major-nato-deployment

Off Guardian has a good article which must be shared far and wide to inform people of the criminal activity underway by the UK Regime.  A poignant comment from the article:

"Last night at the United Nations the British ambassador proclaimed that this Russian attack showed that they had broken international law by creating a secret and illegal chemical weapons facility to manufacture dangerous and deadly chemical weapons and the West, the international community had to take action!

This is really turning up the wartime rhetoric.

The US ambassador supported May… 100%, linking the attack to Russia’s behaviour in Syria and demanded not just international condemnation, but action against Russia. Pointedly she emphasised that next time in could happen on the streets of… New York! This is incredibly belligerent language and at the same time a hint on a silver platter to Islamic State terrorists, for example, or some other actor, to do just that; carry out some kind of ‘chemical attack’ on the streets of an American city, which would then be blamed on Russia, classified as ‘an act of war’ and pretext for military action against Russia.

Are these people just… stupid, or evil, or a bit of both?!

What’s obvious is that the Tories are ‘milking’ this whole affair, squeezing every drop of political capital out of it that’s possible; yet, looking at our media, even the ‘leftwing’ Guardian, (who criticised Corbyn for not supporting May 100%) mentions none of this. It really is starting to resemble a ‘wartime’ coalition, or dictatorship, where no questioning or critical thought is allowed and we are have to rally around the flag in defence of the realm, and dissent is tantamount to treason."

The UK Regime is behaving like a spoilt brat throwing a tantrum.  The possible ramifications for the people of the UK are highly serious - not for the politicians and senior military who are safe, but for the rest of us.  We have to expose them. We have to bring this regime down.

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