6 April 2018

No to Foreign Aid. Yes to Socialism Worldwide

Foreign Aid and International Charity takes money from the poor in allegedly prosperous regions of the world and transfers it to the corrupt and wealthy in countries which are designated as poor.  It helps very few people, causes more hardship than it solves, and should not be allowed

Now, you may say, surely it is cold and heartless to object to funds being raised for children in need of food?  The money which is raised is generally not be used as the charity campaigners and politicians claim.  Most of the charitable money disappears in administration and running costs. With Foreign Aid as well as International Charity, a vast amount of money goes into the pockets of the regimes and corporations who are starving their own people for greed and to pay off IMF loans.  The remnant which does reach the people serves as a temporary measure which will help the people for a while, maybe allowing the next generation to reach an age when they can produce more people who are dependent on hand-outs and who face starvation.  By failing to address the root problems and merely applying succour to the symptoms, the suffering is sure to increase with many, many, more people surviving a miserable existence, or dying a painful death.

Why is there hunger?  There is hunger because the Globalist system demands it.  Nations which have been economically raped by the financial parasites of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Bank of International Settlements, are not allowed to implement economic policies which would lead to self-sufficiency in commerce, industry and agriculture.  The globalists have profited by theft of these nations resources, and by the lucrative armaments industry which makes obscene profits from destabilising countries and fomenting war and civil war.

Charity campaigners may (and at the higher levels, it is only may) be motivated by a genuine desire to help the people.  The governments who push Foreign Aid on the people have no such illusions.  Charities and Governments completely ignores the real causes of poverty: global exploitation and the banking racket.

Across the globe, the international financial parasites are raping the home-grown economies.  Whether in war-torn Syria, or IMF-controlled Greece, the objective is the same: to concentrate wealth in the hands of the bankers and their collaborators.  Charities who speak of the plight of the poor, but do not consider why they are poor, are gate-keepers for the Ruling Class, and as such, are a part of the problem, not the solution.

Charity and Foreign Aid promote mass migration.  Migrants wrenched from the poorest nations of the world deny their homelands the talents they take with them.  Those who have the will and wherewithal to escape poverty by migrating, are exactly the people who their countries need to stay at home.  The television images we are all used to of people in camps begging for food, are images of people who have ceased to resist their plight.  Whether in Africa, or in the hand-out mentality in our own Isles, those who would rather beg than fight for freedom, form a worthless underclass of lumpenproletarians who are beloved by the Establishment for their acceptance of whatever evil is thrown at them.  Those who accept bread and circuses at a cost of liberty, condemn us all to suffer under the heel of the ruling tyrants.  Charities which encourage this mentality, do the work of the rulers.

Giving support to the regimes which serve globalism condemns the people in every nation to materialistic tyranny.  Charity campaigns allow the finaciers' stooges in the governments in IMF-dominated lands to continue to neglect the people.  Those who implement austerity measures to provide the bankers with profits, are happy to allow charities to provide the people with food.  If they were loyal to the people, and not to the globalists (and their own selfish interests), they would send the foreign charities and the internationalists packing; using force if necessary.

The solution to hunger is not to provide the currently starving with food whilst raping the resources of the individual countries.  Yes, that provides a temporary relief to hunger, but in the long term leads to a deterioration with more people being born into hunger, and many more people dying and suffering.  With the economic demise of the west underway, it will not be long before the charitable donations dry up as people in the West cannot provide for themselves due to the crippling demands for tribute from the internationalist bankers.  The real solution is for all people to reject capitalism; to become mutually supportive within local communities; to end the exploitative economic system; to return to a sane and human-centred existence.

Let us take a stand and refuse to cooperate with the traitor politicians and the financial scum who misrule over us.  Let us support the peoples of other nations by campaigning against the IMF, World Bank, WHO, BIS, NATO,  the British Crown and all the other provisional Global Government agencies.  Let us make our homelands into no-go areas for capitalism, and let us encourage others to do likewise.  When the globalist parasites can no longer rape the countries of the world, the people will have no need to emigrate, and all of us can enjoy a restoration of the natural and wholesome living which comes from putting into practise the cherished ideology of Socialism in One Country.

People who cannot see that Borders are a vital defence against exploitation will be enraged by this article.  But by their actions in support of open borders and the destruction of indigenous autonomous living, they have no right to feel anger.  They should feel shame; shame from a realisation that it is their own blinkered semi-religious self-righteousness which has created the conditions for mass starvation, and misery worldwide.

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